Blood Born - Chapter 42

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Things in our kingdoms were quiet as the weeks went carried on. My already burgeoning belly grew even more. My feet didn't fit into any of the shoes I already owned. James found a cobbler to make more. My gown grew tighter and tighter till I felt like I would just burst. Towards the time of my lying in even moving became quite laborsome. The midwife stayed with me at all times of day and night in case the child was to come before its time. Most of the day was spent flopping from one side to the other in an attempt to find a comfortable position to lay.

"Be still, madam."

"Be still? How can I possibly be still when this child continues moving at every moment of the day? I cannot be still." I pushed away the midwife's hands as she tried to position the pillows around me. "Do be useful and fetch me some tea. Or biscuits. Or both."

She huffed, curtsied, and fled the room.

"That wasn't very nice," Charlotte muttered from across the room.

"She's not very helpful."

"She's doing what she's supposed to do."

"Yes, yes. I know. I'm just so very uncomfortable and miserable."

"I know."

"I wish this child would be finished."

"Soon enough, Ellie."

"It is most certainly not soon enough." I struggled to push myself up.

"Evelyn, stop it. Just lay back."

"I need to get up, Charlotte."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I just don't feel alright. I need to get up. I need to walk."

She dropped her fabric and needle and rushed to the bedside. Grasping my hand, she helped me to the edge of the bed, which was quite burdensome. Pains pulsated through my stomach and back. A tremendous pressure pushed down on my nether region. Something I'd never felt before in my life.

"Oh dear," Charlotte exclaimed, stepping back.

"Wha..." I stopped mid-sentence as the rush of wetness ran over the blankets and onto the floor.

"I do believe it is time."

"Time? It can't be. I still have at least another month before this child should make its presence known."

"It seems that the little one has other plans. I'll fetch the midwife."

I groaned at the thought of that wretched woman laying hands on me, fluffing and poking.

"What do I do?"

"Lay back, lady."

"I don't want to lay back. It hurts."

"It is childbirth, dear one. It's not going to feel good."

"Where's James? I want James!" I cried out as more pain seized my body.

Charlotte opened the chamber door and spoke briefly to the guard outside.

"Right away, ma'am!" the guard shouted before the sound of him running down the hall echoed into the room.


"I'm right here, Evelyn."

"It hurts," I cried.

"I know." She wiped at the tears that streamed down my cheeks while rubbing my back.

The chamber doors swung open with such force they bounced off the walls. My mother's skirts swooshed about her ankles as she rushed to my side. The midwife followed soon after, with all of the maids in the castle with her carrying basins of water and towels.

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