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>< 13 years later, after Wei Wuxian's death, somewhere in the Mo village ><

Somewhere, in the Mo village, Wei Wuxian who was reincarnated by someone, received a kick who threw him backwards and head first onto the ground.

"Stop playing dead!" A voice thundered beside his ear.

When he received the kick, he fought the urge to vomit, while thinking 'That's quite a lot of courage you have to kick me, the Patriarch.'

As it was the first time hearing a human voice, in the few years succeeding his death, let alone a loud and fierce shriek. After, his head swirled and his ears buzzed with the echoes of the voice that seemed to belong to an adolescent and was duck-like, he heard the voice talking once more.

"Whose land do you think you're living on? Whose rice are you eating? Whose money are you spending? What's wrong with taking a few of your belongings? Everything you own should be mine, anyway!" That voice shrieked quite horribly.

His eyes gradually cleared up and was met with a dim-lit ceiling and a very dilapidated place, that we could hardly define as a home, it was only a place that had 4 walls and a ceiling, and nothing to it. We can ask ourselves how someone could ever live in that type of place.

>< Elsewhere ><

Elsewhere, a beautiful woman with long black hair, styled into a high ponytail with two hairpins stopped herself momentarily, making those who were accompanying her also stop themselves.

Unlike, the two young teens in white and light blue, who were walking a few steps behind her, she was wearing a black and white hanfu that was decorated by embroidery with silver threads. Although she was wearing a black veil covering half of her face, and a bamboo hat on which was placed a white veil, the passer-by could still see her eyes.

Proving to the world that, she was indeed a beauty as her eyes could captivate other, even if they had nothing unusual, maybe it was because her eyes screamed nothing but warmth and affection. Although they could not see it, it was easy to tell that she had all the time a soft smile on her face.

The other, who were sneakily observing the three as they passed next to them, couldn't help themselves to want to see her unveiled face and asked themselves why she was currently wearing a veil.

Despite the fact that she is always wearing a veil on her face, she was by no mean, ugly or anything of the like. It was usual for her to only show her face, to the one she considered close enough to her.

Opening her palm, a firefly landed in it and then disappeared, becoming mere dust in her hand. The smile that she already had, widened a little more, and an amused glint appeared in her gray eyes for the span of a second, before disappearing as quickly as it appeared.

The two boys, who were a little behind of her, looked at each other before looking once more at the woman in front of them, and asking themselves what could have made her stop in her track.

"Mūqīn*— U-uh, I mean s-senior sister!" One of the disciple, called her, but blushed and stuttered because he called her mother inadvertently, just like how, he calls her in private. Of course, the other disciple heard his fault, but didn't mock him or laugh at hil, because they all wanted to call her that. But she only allowed two disciples to call her, like they wanted.

The reason is simple. She took care of them, when they were still infants, so to the two, she is no different to a mother.

He faked cough, and pushed down his blush, trying to regain his composure. "I-is there something wrong?"

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