Mind far too mature

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A year had passed, yet, again. 

Wei YeQiu is now eight years old, Jiang YanLi a year younger than YeQiu, is now seven years old. Although, YeQiu is older than YanLi by one year, the former was not considered to be the first lady of Yunmeng Jiang clan, as she remained affiliated to no clans.

However, unlike his older sister, Wei Ying became the ward of the Jiang clan; it became so, after a deal that made YeQiu with the Jiang couple. Although, being unaffiliated give her some perks, one of them being a full liberty over her choices and future, it still had some disadvantages.

So, Wei Ying, becoming affiliated to the clan, gave him the benefit of being protected. Making it hard, for outsiders to act rashly toward him, even more so, as he had no blood-related adults to protect him. 

And, even if YeQiu didn't want to accept it, it is still hard for her to not admit that, protecting him, permanently, against those who wants to take advantage of her.

She could protect herself, but also protecting him, is something that should be proven to be hard.

Wei YeQiu, along with her little bunny and little lotus, were making their way toward, Gusu Lan clan. A year ago, along the gifts that her former teacher had sent her, an unexpected letter had also come together with.

Although, she was sceptical, she opened it and read it. Turns out that her teacher, after they parted had made a trip to Gusu Lan, and had a talk to the seniors of the clan, in her favour.

So, after a time of thought, the Gusu Lan clan's elders had accepted her teacher plea, and had extended an invitation to her. Being stunned for a few seconds, she gave the letter to her uncle figure, who seemed to be as stunned as her.

Mulling over the invitation, YeQiu had written a letter back, in which, she expressed her agreement to the invitation and, had asked if she could bring some people with her. The elders, being overjoyed, had easily accepted to let bring guests with her.

Three figures, were waiting patiently for their guests to arrive. Two of them, are two young boys that looked alike, almost like twins; the same boys, that in the future, will be known as the twin Jades of Gusu Lan.

The older brother, Lan Huan or from his courtesy name Lan XiChen*, later known as Zewun-Jun, is less than three years old, than his younger brother.

[*Xichen = chancellor of the morning sunlight

Derivates from the poem 'Xian Qing Fu' 闲情赋 (Ode to a Quiet Life), written by the recluse poet Tao Yuan Ming 陶渊明 of the Eastern dynasty recluse.

This poem, is a long study on the beauty and virtues of an idealized woman. Known as one of the most iconic bodies of work celebrating a woman's true inner qualities.

"悲晨曦之易夕, 感人生之长勤"
bēi chén xī zhī yì xī, gǎn rén shēng zhī cháng qín

It is regrettable that the light of this morning will soon be replaced by the dark night, reminding people that life is filled with endless fatigue

Of course, to understand why his name derivates from this poem, you should make a parallel with this character's life.]

The younger brother, Lan Zhan* or from his courtesy name Lan Wangji*.

[*Comes from the Zhou dynasty's Five classics, a key text in Confucianism]

[*Indifferent to everything

Commonly used word in ancient China, that could be found in many famous poetries. In this case, 'Wangji' comes from the proverb ōuniǎo wàngjī  鸥鸟忘机 (seagulls forget tricks), which derivates from a fable found in Daoist text lièzǐ  列子 (4-5th century BCE).

Later, that same proverb was turned into a guqing song (wàngjī  忘机), into the fifteenth century.

On a faraway shore, there was a man who loved the seagulls. He would go early in the morning every day to play with them, and the seagulls would come in flocks of hundreds. His father knew of this and said: since you go every day, the seagulls must like you very much. Why don't you catch a couple and bring them home for us to play with too. The next day the man went to the shore as usual, but now his heart only held the desire of capturing a seagull, and on that day not one of the seagulls would land on the beach. Thus, a person ought to forget all bad intentions or tricks that they hold in their heart.]

The two, share an uncanny resemblance to their father, Qingheng-jun, former leader of the Lan clan and the older brother of Lan Qiren, with only a few traits of their mother, Madam Lan. 

Though, they were raised by their uncle, Lan Qiren, with a strict education, fearing that something between his older brother and his wife would happen once again. Strictly, they were raised, but without a doubt, with a hidden love and slight fear.

Waiting for a few more minutes, the three Lans finally caught a glimpse of their guests, and surprise filled them. They didn't expect that their guests would only be two young boys, accompanied by a girl, only older than the two for, at least, two or three years.

Glancing at one of the two boys, who shares an undeniable resemblance to Madam Yu or Yu Ziyuan and, they could see that he was from the Yunmeng Jiang clan, that is known for their purple and light pink clothes. 

Glancing at that boy, joy, and affection seemed to swirl in the eyes of the older of the two brothers, but it quickly disappeared before anyone could see it. Or, so he thought, because YeQiu caught it and smiled secretly, while planning some things in her head.

"My apologies for our late, master Lan Qiren, first and second young masters Lan." Yeqiu apologized, while, offering to the three, one of her usual smile. Seeing it, the frown on the eldest softened, while the two younger became curious. "This one, Wei Yeqiu, courtesy name Wei Huaqing, greets respectfully the members of Gusu Lan clan." 

She greeted them formally, but she couldn't do the usual bow, as it was quite hard with two children sleeping, in each of her arms and clinging quite hard on her, making it impossible for her, to detach them from her.

When, she tries to, they would clutch on her clothes, wiggle and make sounds of protestations, so she gave up.

"As for those two... Well— I had to wake them up fairly up, but they are not used to it, so I let them sleep on the way." She said with a sheepish smile. "Anyway, thank you for the invitation, Master Lan Qiren." She flashed a grateful smile.

The said man, felt a little embarrassed and the tip of his ears began to take the colour pink, but it was quite unnoticeable. "There is no need to thank me. Lin Binghe is the one you should thank him, he is the one who supplied us, to give his precious student a chance, so we did." Stroking his goatee and his usual expression.

"Even so, I should be thanking you. As the temporary head of the clan, you are the one who have the final word, so in the end, you are the one who accepted, is it not?" She said while putting her head on the little, black bunny's head. "Furthermore, 'Thank you' should be said whenever it's needed, same for 'sorry', because the time will come, when one will regret not having said them, enough and, at the right time." 

What she said, shocked the elder, because words didn't seem to be those of such a young girl. Far from that, it should have words of someone that, had lived over 8 times her age.

Should he be concerned or happy?

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