Chapter 10

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Claude and Felix was out for a walk after their long hours of work. Felix finally had a breath of fresh outside air after being cooped up inside the Emperor's office for 7 hours.

Claude was admiring the camellias and sat down on the terrace's chair. Felix stood behind one of the pillars, leaning his back on it.

Both enjoyed the peacefulness the place had brought. It was like she never left in the first place.

The peacefulness was ruined when they heard a distinct yell from a familiar voice that had belonged to a certain brunette.

"My lady! You cannot enter that place! It's the Empress's-"

Diana stopped as she saw the beautiful shade of blonde hair. Her breath hitched as she finally got to see the person she missed the most.

He was wearing the clothes that she had introduced to him. The white cloth was draped down his figure beautifully. His eyes was beautiful as ever. Time had seemed to have slowed down for her.

Her daydreaming ended when she saw a glare being sent her way.

"Impudent, what are you doing? Stepping your foot in this garden?"

Diana felt chills going down her spine. Never ever had he used that voice towards her. She was so used to having spoken to softly. The person in front on the dancer right now seemed like a stranger.

Claude hardened his glare when he hadn't receive a reply. Her face was the last thing that he wanted to see right now. He could've tolerated the presence of the maid, but he cannot bare to see Diana's face.

"Did your ears become nonexistent?"

Diana snapped out of her daze as she bowed, flustered.

"This concubine greets the-"

Diana was cut off by Claude.

"Spare the pleasantry. That was the last thing that I want to hear from you."

Diana pursued her lips, her lips sewed shut. Lilian kept her eyes on the ground, only glancing every few minutes. The silence felt suffocating and the tensing was high. Felix could feel the sweat dripping and sliding off his skin.

"This was not how I expected our break from work would be like... I would rather stay cooped up in the office if this was the case..." The knight thought.

"Forgive me, your Majesty. I was just taking a short walk..."

The blonde emperor scoffed. "A short walk you say? Your garden and the Empress's garden is far apart and you say this is a short walk?"

The dancer kept her eyes to the ground. Unmoving. Afraid of angering the person in front of her further.

Letting out a click of the tongue, Claude raised his hand and point them the direction out of the garden and said,


Diana and Lilian obliged, bowing one last time before disappearing from his sight.

Claude eyebrows furrowed and his eyes had hardened into a harsh glare once more before heading back to his palace. Felix followed his behind quietly and stiffly.

Felix let out a soft sigh.

"I can never get a break, can I?"

Diana strutted back to her palace with Lilian on tow. Her eyes was gathering tears and time passed by. Arriving at her bedroom, she pushed the door open. After immediately entering, she quickly slammed the door closed and fell the the hard, marbled floor. Lilian, who was following behind her was left outside.

Uncontrollable sobs were let out as she tucked in her knees and cried.

"Why was I born a commoner?" she whispered to herself.

"If I was born at least a low-ranked noble, I wouldn't be this weak carrying a child with mana... I would still be with His Majesty,"

Diana felt hopeless and desperate. God wasn't on her side this time. Maybe it was punishment for ruining ones happy marriage.

She looked back on the event that had happened back in the garden. She had never seen his cold stare directed towards her. She was always treated kindly by him.

The man back there wasn't the one she fell in love with but it doesn't change a fact that both of them was the same person.

She wanted to be in Claude's embrace once more. She wanted to bask in his warmth and protection. She wanted him to look at her affectionately once again.

She couldn't stand it anymore. It's not her fault that her body was not designed to carry an imperial child. She didn't want to die too. It wasn't her fault.

'Did the Empress felt this way as well when I stole all of His Majesty's attention and love?'  wondered the dancer.

How was she been able to stay so strong? This pain was hard to live in.

I'm sorry... I'm sorry for barging in your beautiful life.
Annebelle held her baby carefully and head towards downstairs to see the others.

As soon as she went downstairs, people crowded her. Excited the see the newborn. 

Awes were heard from everyone.  Aeturnus is a beautiful and cute baby boy. His healthy black locks and flushed, white, soft skin looks pinchable to the people surrounding him. Anne chuckled when she saw how excited Dolt was.

Nodding to herself, she made her way to him and tried to have him hold Aeturnus.

Dolt shook his hand furiously. Saying nonsense like, "I don't know how to hold a baby!"

His sister, Terissa who stood beside him deadpanned. She looked at her brother like he was crazy. Annoyed, she jabbed her elbow under his ribs harshly.

Dolt honestly felt like all wind was knocked out of his chest but he could only laugh nervously.

"Zelda...I really don't-"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Dolt? You keep staring at my son with wishful eyes .. Stop lying to yourself,"

The crowd laughed at Anne's retort. Dolt lowered his head. A noticable pink began spreading all over his face. Anne chuckled noticing how lovable he is.

Still hesitant, Dolt slowly spread his arms to hold Aeturnus. Anne smiled and gave Aeturnus in his care.

Finally holding the ball of sunshine, Dolt held Aeturnus closer to him.

The crowd was shocked to see tears falling out of the blue haired eyes.

"H-How is he so small?" Sobs racked out of him.

The villagers deadpanned seeing the sight in front of them. Anne let out a loud laugh, clutching her stomach at the same time.

"Yes... I'm glad this was the town I arrived to."

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