Chapter 17

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Anne had only one thing on her mind.

To find her son.

Usually, the spell will bring the person to the place that they want to go to the most.

When Anne was the same age as Aeturnus, the place she wanted to go to most was the garden next to her mother's palace. It was a mystical garden where she thought that she was a little fairy.

Of course, the people at the palace at that time were in a panic because their one and only sweet little princess had disappeared to god who knows where. Of course, after a few while (by a few it was for the whole day), her mana brought her back to her parents.

She searched all over the places her son could've been but no avail.

She didn't want to use this but she had to. She's too worried for her son. Everyone in this Empire knows what those crystal eyes meant. What if he got captured by slave traders? What if he got kidnapped by passing nobles? Greedy nobles who would torture her son to get what they want?

When Aeturnus was born, she cast a spell on him. It was a spell that would teleport Anne anywhere Aeturnus was. It was for good measure. A protection spell can only accomplish little.

Wherever her son could've been, she didn't care. Even if her son was at a place that was hated most by her, she didn't care. Because nothing is more important than her beloved son.

Concentrating and chanting a spell in her head, she was soon enveloped by a soft purple hue. Soon, Anne disappeared from the place she stood.

Aeturnus was an adult. He lived, killed, and did many things in his lifetime as an assassin. But he was also an orphan. He didn't get to know what parents were like. Familial love wasn't a part of his dictionary. He was taken in by the organization because he was deemed useful.

That was how he lived.

A tool.

But ever since he died and got reincarnated, he felt nothing but happiness. The affection his mother had showered him with was uncomfortable at the start, but then it was what made him grateful.

He had finally known what love felt like.

Everything in his new life was perfect but he had always known that every night, his mother would stare out the window reluctantly.

And now that he met with the person that had caused his mother to be that way, he wanted nothing but to destroy him.

How dare he? I will never forgive him.

As Aeturnus stood in front of a lake of a sort, a figure slowly appeared behind him. Aeturnus looked at his back, alarmed. The speck of purples soon materialized into his mother.

The resentment Aeturnus felt before was immediately forgotten as soon as he saw his mother.


Anne felt a wave of relief as soon as she sees her son. Safe with no injury whatsoever.

"Sunshine! I'm so glad you're alright!" Exclaimed Anne as she rushed to embrace him.

"Ma, you shouldn't be here," said Aeturnus.

Anne, confused, looked around at her surroundings.

She recognized the place immediately. Her face went pale as she felt a sense of dread.

'Oh no.'

Anne quickly stood up, Aeturnus in her arms as she prepared herself to teleport back home.


A soft gasp left the raven-head. As she turned around, her eyes met a beautiful shade of grey eyes that she was familiar with since childhood.

"...Felix," Anne breathed out softly.

Felix trembled, his mouth agape.

After a few moments, Felix snapped out of his trance and immediately rushed towards Anne.

Anne panicked and was prepared to protect herself and her son. However, contrary to her expectations, she was enveloped in a tight, warm embrace.

Anne flushed a little and peeked at the redhead.

"You're alive. God, you're alive. You're alive,"

Felix kept chanting it over and over. As if he didn't believe in what he was seeing.

Soon, Anne's eyes became glossy. She didn't cry. She had forgotten how comfortable Felix's embrace is.

Aeturnus was getting annoyed. He did not enjoy a man hugging his mother. Moreover, hugging him as well!

After a few more seconds, Anne pushed Felix off of her. Anne looked down toward the ground, suddenly finding it very interesting.

Felix looked at Anne, hurt.

"Why did you leave?"

"I couldn't handle it anymore. It hurt."

Felix understood. He always did. But she left, not telling anyone, leaving him to grieve. He had to spend every night, beating himself up for not arriving to save Anne in time.

He missed her so much.

Her porcelain skin, her bright amethyst eyes, and her hair that reflected beautifully in the night. Her honest remarks, her silly quirks, teasing him every chance she gets. He missed it all.

"I could've helped you. I could've been there for you. Why didn't you tell me?" Came out Felix's raspy voice, holding back from crying.

"What can you do, Felix? I had gotten many solacing yet it was no help."


Anne smiled sadly.


Silence had never felt so suffocating for Felix until now. He wanted to tell her many things, including his feelings that never disappeared.

"Felix, I'm sorry. It was nice seeing you. But I have to go."

Anne looked behind him. Blonde hair... He looked thin but no matter.

"I've missed you, Felix."

And soon, she disappeared with her son. Leaving only specks of purple.

Hi guys? I'm sorry I haven't been consistent with my updates! I recently got scammed. It was a whooping 1000 dollars. It was a normal phone call saying that they called a wrong number. But when I checked my phone to pay for something online, I noticed my bank account was sucked dry.

It's been a long week. I've been trying to get up on my feet, but it's so difficult. My exams aren't finish yet, I still have one more week. Thank you for reading my book. See you guys. Love you!

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