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Marinette did not expect her day to end like this. Running down an alley in the pouring rain from some of her classmates.

Alya, Alix, Nino, Adrien Kim and Ivan to be exact.


To be honest she has no idea. What she does know is that it has something to do with whatever lie Lila has told them.

She knew that because as Marinette walked out of school, she heard Alya yell out to her:

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng you are so dead for what you've done!"

They didn't even explain anything, she just ran as she saw the lot of them running towards her. What confused her more was why they waited for her. She was in the library for two hours after school had ended!

She'd been running for God knows how long. All she knew was that her stamina was weakening by the minute. They weren't too far behind her. Usuallybshes able to outrun them, even Kim and Alix, because of the routes she takes and she's good with parkour.

However, whatever Lila has told them must've given them extra speed and better stamina than usual.

Marinette mentally cursed the Italian for whatever she said. It was probably something about hurting her physically again. Marine the has no clue how much money the girl is spending to make herself look a mess with all those fake bruises and marks that are clearly fake to anyone with eyes. She should be in the comfort of her bedroom finishing off Jagged's outfit for his concert in Lyon.

About five more minutes passed and Marinette could no longer hear the others. She looked behind her as she ran and didn't see anyone. She thought she'd escaped them but when she turned back, it was too late.


She bumped into a wall.

A dead end.

This would not have been a problem if it wasn't for the highly electrified barbed wire and spikes that were on top of the wall. If it weren't for that, she most likely would have been able to climb and jump over it.

Not a minute later she heard quick steps again.

Marinette felt tears prick her eyes at the obvious defeat. There was no escaping them and she didn't even bother to get up from the ground because she knew that she was about to get hurt physically. The usual assaulters are Alya, Alix and Kim while her small frame is being held back by Ivan. She could never escape his grasp. He was way bigger and stronger than her. She was too weak. Nino would say mean things along with them while Adrien just stands by with the same look on his face. He looks at her like she's the one who jas caused all this to happen.

She hates it.

She hates him.

She hates her

She hates them. The while damn brainless class.

Marinette is pulled out of her thoughts when she is roughly pulled up from the wrist by Ivan and ended up with her arms being painfully pinned behind her back.

Alya stepped forward and grabbed her face in her hand.

"You've got some nerve to think that you can just do whatever you want Mari-slut"

"W-What did I d-do this time?" Marinette asked, hearing the way she stuttered. But she was scared. Of course, this is how she would react.

"Oh drop the stupid act! You hurt Lila again! So much worse than usual! You attacked her when she was on her way to the orphanage that she volunteers at and later we found her by a dumpster in an old smelly and dark corner outside of some building with horrible bruises and blood all over her!"

Marinette frowned, "no I didn't! I was in school and-" Marinette winced as she felt her ex-best friend grip her face tighter. She could feel her newly done fingernails dig painfully into her skin. Marinette tried to jerk her face away but Alya's hold was too strong and she was already well and exhausted from all the running.

"We knew you'd say that. Juleka and Rose are currently taking Lila to tell your parents. She protested against it but enough is enough. This has been going in for almost three years! It's about time your parents knew how much of a horrible person you are. I'm still ashamed to know that you turned out like this. Not the same girl I met back in primary school." Nino spat, "Mylene said she saw you run back into school, not too long after Lila was found"

"So? That me going back into school jas nothing to do with Lila! Please...I-I really didn't do anything! I ran back in only because I forgot to return a book I'd borrowed last week. That when I then saw you guys and you began chasing me after"

"Save your sorry excuses for someone else" Alix growled as she began to crack her knuckles, "you gotta learn your lesson for messing with the angel of the school"

'Angel' Marinette scoffed in her mind, 'that is far from the truth'

She sent a pleading look towards Adrien to do something. Anything. Even though she hated the guy, a very tiny part of her believed and hoped that her old crush would just do something. Or say anything.

But he just looked away from her as she began to receive the beatings.

Of course. What more could she expect from the spineless coward. What the hell did she ever see in him? All the obsessive behaviour she displayed for the boy only to be disappointed.

This went on for some time and the group left her there, sobbing for what felt like an eternity.

She looked up to the grey sky and wondered what she had done to deserve this. She'd done everything right. Just ever since Lila came back, everything went downhill and inky got worse snd worse.

The brunette used the little strength that she had to get up snd slowly make her way home.

She'd been limping for a few minutes snd she found a bench to sit down and catch her breath.

She had her head in her hands and began to very again, her my d full of negative thoughts.

She didn't notice the dark cloudy shadow that loomed over her for a moment before disappearing again when a car pulled up to where Marinette was sitting, startling her when the driver honked their horn causing her to look up quickly as she was startled from the sound.

Marinette knew who was in the back of the luxury car. She could inky look down in shame. She didn't want to be seen like this. But it's not like it would be a first.

The window rolled down and she was met with a straight face but eyes filled with concern.

"Marinette. Please get in."

Marinette looked down at her left leg which was still throbbing and looked back up again. She tried to get up but couldn't.

She then felt herself getting helped up and carefully assisted into the car.

Marinette sniffed and sighed before looking over at her best friend.

"Thank you, Kagami"

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