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Marinette and Kagami looked at Tom and Sabine with shocked expressions.


"Don't even try and come up with any excuses either!"

"What do you-" Marinette was cut off again but by her father this time.

"Juleka and Rose stopped by and had Lila with them. She was in such an awful state and you were the cause of it!"

Marinette mentally cursed at the fact that she forgot that Nino mentioned that Lila was on her way here with Juleka and Rose.

"I never touched her. You guys have to believe me! She's ly-"

"This is not the first time either. We have been told of your behaviour for some time now. We of course did not want to believe it, thinking of it as nothing more than a small girly rivalry. But it only got worse over time and now this!?" Sabine said, her voice getting louder by the second, causing Marinette to could in Kagami's hold.

"Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng, I can assure you that Marinette did nothing wrong. Lila, she-"

"We were warned that you may say something in her defence if you were to show up Kagami. I'm afraid your stay is no longer welcome and we'd like for you to leave"

"Excuse me? I-"

"Do I need to repeat myself? Just because you are of high society, doesn't mean that you can defy what is being told to you. I believe you were taught to respect your elders" Sabine said sternly.

Kagami opened her mouth but closed it, unable to say anything more. Sabine was right. She was raised that way and at this moment, there east anymore she could do. Lila thought of bringing her into this so that Marinette could have absolutely no one to defend her.

"I'm sorry Mari"

Marinette gave her a small smile, "i-it's fine. You should go"

Kagami hugged her tight one last time before she left.

Marinette watched as the limit drove away. Not a moment later, she felt her wrist be pulled and she was dragged towards the kitchen. Marinette had to hold in her cry of pain and she was made to put too much force on her bad ankle.

"Care to explain all these?" Tom asked, pointing to a bunch of pictures that were laid out across the worktop.

It was pictures of Lila with various injuries, vandalised things of hers, photoshopped images of Marinette going through her locker and even some of her hurting Lila. Marinette isn't sure how Lila pulled this off.

"As I said before, I never touched Lila. She and the rest of the class have been bullying and hurting me for so long! I'm the victim! She's lied about me to everyone and now you guys believe the rubbish coming out of her mouth and-"


Marinette's head had snapped to the side with such force and if it wasn't for the counter she was leaning in, she would have fallen.

Her mother just slapped her. Hard.

"Wha..." Marinette said, still trying to comprehend what just happened. Her cheek stung from the pain in her cheek and she could feel herself tear up.

"Not another word from you. Goodness...bringing you with me was a huge mistake"

"W-What do you mean? Bringing me with you? What are you on about?"

"That doesn't matter" Sabine spat, "You'll be gone tomorrow"

Marinette's eyes widened, "What are you talking about!? what do you mean I'll be gone!" Marinette asked. She didn't like that her questions weren't being answered.

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