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Chapter's song: Photograph by Ed Sheeran

҉ A PrinceSSly CoNNectioN ҉

ChaPtEr TWENTY-OnE _________________________


The drive to the airport could be described in two words: awkward and tense.

I couldn't tell who was more stressed, my aunt, Jason or me. The air felt thick and the silent was heavy. Neither spoke. We were all deep in thought as Aunt Patty parked. Her brown eyes searched mine through the rear view mirror. Her lips were set in a grim line as I swallowed hard trying to keep the tears at bay.

An older man on a grey suit was already expecting us. He and Jason took care of the luggage as my aunt grabbed my hand and we followed them around the airport.

"You'll come back to visit, right?" her voice was soft and sad. Her eyes glint with hope as she asked.

I don't know...

Averting my eyes, I nodded. Things would never be the same, would they? He wouldn't be here...

Memories of the last days flashed through my mind. The way his grey eyes darkened as he leaned closer until our lips met or the time we tried stand-up paddling...the electric tingles his rough hands left trailing on my thighs or the way my heart bumped as we swayed our way through the dance floor...the intense look in his eyes or the sweet and passionate kissing session down the beach...

Fuck, no.

I couldn't come back.

Looking ahead of us, my heart ached knowing that he was so near and so far at the same time.

They say that time heals everything. Would I be able to let Jason's memories go? Because that was all that I'd have...and I could let him go, but I would never, ever forget the momenst we spend together.

Aunt Patty's hand squeezed my hand. She was probably thinking the same thing...

"I'm sorry," I whispered sadly as my eyes were trained on the floor.

"I know, honey, I know..." she passed an arm across my shoulders as we arrived at a private gate.

It was a small room with a couple of blue sofas and a small desk on the corner. Behind it, a middle-age woman dressed in the airport's colors was going through some papers with a blond man. As we arrived, both looked at us and the man paced to us. "Your majesty," he bowed his head. He introduced himself as a representative of the English Embassy and directed me to take a seat as the customs agent, the woman behind him, arranged everything.

With a sinking heart, I did as told. My aunt followed behind me. She sighed before furrowing her brows, "are you not trying to keep in touch back in England?" she asked in a light tone so I could be the only one to hear her.

It would be pointless, wouldn't it? We were both from different worlds...and I couldn't imagine Jason dealing with all the complications that came from being with me. That is, if he was free to.

At that moment, a door to our right creaked and out came Jason all dressed up in his navy uniform. As if that was the answer, my aunt shook her head and squeezed my hand again. My eyes were trained on him. He walked to the blond man and shook hands. They exchanged words for a moment and I still couldn't stop looking at him. It was a combination of awe, ache and longing at the same time.

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