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The summer air brought a light breeze with a salty scent and taste

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The summer air brought a light breeze with a salty scent and taste. She sat a few feet into the water, the bottom of her dress going translucent. The sun had yet to fully set but the blonde didn't move — her eyes entranced on the way the water went for miles until it blended with the sky.

Lyndy loved being home and back with her family and she tried so incredibly hard to be the girl she was before — the girl who made snarky comebacks without thinking, the girl who loved to read classic books and bake with her father, the girl who was kind and caring and learned how to braid hair just for Ginny because no one in her family knew how.

But she had changed. She went through a trauma and she changed; it was inevitable. People expected her to be the same — it had only been a little over a year but that year did change her — and she couldn't go back to who she was before. It was impossible.

Lyndy loved being a Ravenclaw, but a part of her also loved being a Slytherin. Both houses made up a little of her personality, both houses were her and she didn't know which one she fit into better. She could tell her family wanted her to go back to Ravenclaw, the way they hinted at it making her cringe in discomfort. And she knew they loved her, she knew they meant well but she couldn't help but feel lost, feel alone.

Harry Potter walked into the night air having seen the blonde still by the water, he walked outside of the house and down the field like backyard sitting next to the girl in the icy water. His dark blue jeans attaching to his skin and the bottoms of his black hoodie just touching the water.

"I missed you, I know you hate me but I missed you," Harry said as he looked at her.

Lyndy huffed in annoyance turning to the boy, her light blue eyes boring into his, "I don't hate you Harry, I never did — not really."

"Then why did you act like you did?"

"Because I was scared, because we were young and I made a lot of mistakes. Your mother didn't get with your father until seventh year because she believed that if they got together sooner they wouldn't have lasted. You liked me before we were ten and you made it very known, I didn't want to say yes because I was scared that if I did, it would end and I didn't want it to end badly."

"My mother didn't get with my father sooner because she didn't like the way he acted. Once he changed, once he matured she saw who he really was and she fell more in love with him than she had been before. He changed for her but also for himself, he became better because she made him better. Lyndy you make me better and sure we're young but that doesn't mean it has to end, it just means we were lucky enough to find each other sooner."

"Harry, we're thirteen."

"No shit. It's not like I'm asking you to marry me or anything, I'm just asking if you'll go on a date with me? If you'll grow with me rather than apart from me because you make me better," he explained, "I'm not saying that we have to be a couple all I'm asking is to at least be friends."

"Before I answer I need you to know I'm thinking about staying in Slytherin."

"Okay," he shrugged.

"Okay? That's all your going to say? Your not mad or anything?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"That house produces evil, that's what everyone has always said, that's what we're taught."

"Anyone can be evil Lyndy — I mean our dads old friend; Peter Pettigrew, he was in Gryffindor and he worked for Voldemort, he betrayed my parents almost leading to all of our deaths. Evil isn't for certain people who get placed into certain houses, it's not born. Evil is made Lyndy and people from Slytherin are made evil because of the things they have been taught for generations. I know you get a choice, I know your deciding between Ravenclaw and Slytherin and it's really hard for you because you don't want to disappoint anyone but Lyndy it's your decision, and don't base it off what other people want because it's your life."

"You know you may be absolutely clueless about ninety-eight percent of the time but that other two percent is pretty wise."

"Gee thanks," Harry answered sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.

"Your welcome," Lyndy grinned back at the boy, her tone going cheeky. He grinned back but the way he looked at her was filled with adoration making her glow a light pink as she looked down at her feet in the drenched sand.

Gently, she reached out and took the boys hands in her own, leaning her cheek against her knee as she looked at the boy, "I would love to be your friend Harry."

DEVELOPMENT! I don't know if it's right to make them start dating when they're thirteen? That seems a little young so there will be a little bit of a longer wait for Lyndy and Harry. ALSO — Lyndy is having some self discovery issues, she working out who she really is and I hope I conveyed that pretty well. Which house do you think she'll choose in the end?

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry it took so long to update. Have an amazing day/ night!!

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