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"We need to destroy the bloody crown or else no one can kill Voldemort!" Ron stressed

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"We need to destroy the bloody crown or else no one can kill Voldemort!" Ron stressed.

Lily, James, Remus and Sirius ran up beside them as spells were casted and screams filled the halls and never ended, "he's right, you need to go to the chamber of secrets and destroy the crown along with what's in this bag, once you do that all that's left is the snake and then we can kill him," James explained.

"But I thought—"

James cut off his son with a shake of his head, "I was wrong, I shouldn't have kept you out of it when this is more your fight, our families fight than anyones. Harry I'm trusting you to do this, and please for the love of merlin, don't die!"

"No promises," Lyndy said her face void of emotion. Everyone expected her to follow it up with some sort of joke or a just kidding face or even a smile, but she just stared at them with nothing but a straight face and eyes filled with so much fear.

But it was true, no one could make a promise that everything was going to be okay. No one could promise that they'd make it to the end.

They broke apart and ran their separate ways, the for knowing exactly where they needed to go to get into the chamber. Ron and Hermione went to the door trying to find his way through as Harry looked back at them with a smile, a smile of strain and regret. He pulled Lyndy a few steps away.

"What is it Harry?" She asked.

"I have to go."

"What? Where?"

He took a deep breath watching as her eyes brimmed with tears, ones she let fall. It was the first time he'd ever see her cry. And the last.

"You already know."

"I'll go with you."

He pulled her into a hug and felt her body collapse into his. He made that promise with her for a reason. She had to move on wither her life. She had to be happy because out of everyone in this world she deserved it the most.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Lyndy, forever."

She hugged him a little tighter taking everything in before she stepped away from him. Before she watched him walk away.

Ron spoke parseltounge to get them through the door and they each broke a tooth off the large snake as Hermione handed out the three horcruxes. A cup, the crown, and the ring. The book was destroyed already along with the locket by Regulus Black. And there was still the snake which Lily and James were dealing with now.

. . . And Harry.

They each looked at each other raising the teeth over their objects before smashing them down and watching the magic leave, watching them each vanish. But it wasn't over, a tidal wave of water came crashing down making the three run down the stretch of cement trying to make it to the door, only for it to fall on them and wash to the sides.

Little Broken // Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now