chapter .13

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y/n pov ;

i was very out of breath i mean i pretty much just ran for like 10 minutes

"miss lovegood" i turn around to see professor McGonagall " i'm afraid i don't come with good news, professor Dumbledore would like to see you and your sister in his office. follow me"

i follow her past all the classrooms up the winding stairs to his sister is already in there i'm the oldest yet luna always has her shit together better than me .

Dumbledore calmly says " do you want the good or bad news first "

"bad " i say sitting down 

"ok" he says i'm actually starting to panic he is never this   ...  energy-less " im very sorry to inform you your biological dad has passed away "

all the color drains from my face the words become a blur of apologies , nothing matters not anymore i can't live without him or luna i don't know what to do why did this have to happen.

Dumbledore continues "this is why he sent you to school y/n , he knew he was dying he wanted you to find others to rely on other then him and luna, which brings me onto the good news "

" i don't think much can be good after that " i say 

"hmmm" Dumbledore mumbles "in his will he wished for me and professor McGonagall to become your legal guardians and the ministry luckily approved it "

" can we call you mom and dad " luna asks 

" of course you can " says dumbledore 

" i would like that " i say " will our last names change"

" if you want " 

" yes " luna says " i loved my dad very much but changing my last name will  help me move on"

" i agree " i reply " but will our last names be yours or professor McGonagall's"

" not mine" he says " as much as i would love that you are legally signed under professor McGonagall , cause she got there first" 

"okay may we leave now " luna says 

i walk out to see riddle punching cedric " omg " i shout everything goes silent.

here comes the speech  

everyone looks at me " how very dare you riddle what has cedric ever done to you , you hate him for no reason at all and don't tell me he started it because we both know he didn't"

"you know what " mattheo starts " your life is so perfect so don't get at me for who i hate when the one i clearly hate is you "

" perfect" i say getting louder " i just got told that i was sent here because my dad knew he was fucking dying and now he's dead and my new parents just happen to head and deputy head of this school , you know how much pressure im gonna have to be perfect, look perfect " i say now walking towards him" act perfect " getting closer with every word "get perfect grades, be the  fucking perfect girl "

mattheo pov ; 

20 minutes before ;

im casually walking through the halls when i hear something that breaks my heart 

" cho you know i really like you, i'm only dating y/n for a bet im getting 100 galleons out of it"

its cedric i cant believe him even if she is my worst enemy no one deserves to be treated like that. 

"hey cedric " i shout he turns around i punch him straight in the face . a crowd starts gathering

*he kicks me*

* i punch him*

*he pulls out his wand and hits me with a spell*

* i kick him  and get out my wand *

* he punches me*

* i hit him with a spell*

* he kicks me again *

* i punch him again* then y/n walks out oh shit i think this isn't gonna look good for me.

back to present time

i step back , a tear falls down her cheek before she runs off .

"that was a bit harsh on you mate " blaise says

" no no it wasn't " i say before walking away why do i feel bad not for what i did or said but what she felt . 


"that's not even my name anymore its Mcgonagall now " she cries " i spent my whole life trying to be what everyone else wanted this year i thought fuck them but thata not gonna work anymore "


" you should go" she whispers 

"gladly i say"

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