06 - Don't Make Heart Eyes At Him.

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"Tae." Taehyung turned around from the sandwich he was making to see Jungkook holding two shirts. "Which one should I wear? Or maybe I should wear the white one at my apartment."

"Hmmm… definitely not the white one. You look ethereal in white. I don't want others at the set gawking at you."

"As if!" Jungkook rolled his eyes. "No one's gonna pay any attention to me, while you're there, looking like the reincarnation of Appollo."

Taehyung walked toward the kitchen counter and put the plate on it. "Oh baby, if I'm Appollo, you're gonna be Ares."

"Ares?" Jungkook snorted a little before taking a big bite from his sandwich. "Why am I the god of war?"

"Cause you are hot like that." Taehyung explained as he ran one of his long fingers over Jungkook's forearm, and all the way to his shoulders and neck. "You have all these muscles too. And you're so strong."

Jungkook chuckled at that. "You love those muscles."

"I sure do."

"Speaking about muscles, I have to adjust my Gym schedule."


"Yeah. It's getting a little exhausting to keep up." Jungkook stayed still while Taehyung wiped a bit of mayonnaise smeared on the corner of the younger's lips. "I'm thinking of cutting it down a bit but adding half an hour each day for dance practices."

"Dance practice? I didn't know you had any performance near."

"I don't. But I need to keep practicing and it's good for fitness too."

"Hmm.. can't argue with that. Can I watch?"

"Huh? Watch what?"

"Your dance practice."

Jungkook raised his eyebrows and waited till the elder elaborated. Taehyung didn't, at first. He finished his breakfast and walked around the counter top to stand behind Jungkook. He leaned on Jungkook's back, pressing the younger forward a bit. 

"Sweaty you is one of my favourite you."
Jungkook watched as Taehyung was having a conversation with one of the staff members at the set. Taehyung was laughing at something that the other man said, his adorable boxy smile seemed to be lighting up the whole place.

"You're staring at him." 

Jungkook didn't bother to look at that sound. He can recognise the voice of his manager anywhere.

"No, I'm not."

Hoseok snorted. "Yeah, right! Just keep your sunglasses on. It would make a fine scandal, if you made heart eyes at your co-star on the first day of the set."

"I'm not making heart eyes at him." Jungkook pouted a bit.

Hoseok didn't bother answering. In all fairness, both Jungkook and Taehyung had been really good at keeping their distance in public. Even Hoseok got to know about it only when Jungkook told him, he wasn't able to detect it by himself. 

Then again, there haven't been many occasions for them to be in the same place at the same time earlier so it hasn't been that hard. But now, they have to be in each other's presence a lot and Hoseok is actually scared how secretive they can be. 

First scene they shot was of a high-school scene between the three friends. Yoongi thought something fun and less intense would be good for the three actors to bond with each other and their characters. 

It was a little awkward in the beginning but soon, all three of them got friendly. Taehyung was a great help for both the newcomers, being patient with their retakes and giving advice whenever necessary. Once they got on to the shooting, Jungkook was too nervous to make heart eyes at Taehyung so that wasn't a problem either. 

Later at night, Taehyung was waiting for Jungkook to be back from the gym in their building, when he got a call. It was from Sana, they had exchanged the numbers just today evening. 

"Hello Sana-ssi."

"Taehyung-ssi, hope I'm not being a bother calling at night like this."

"Of course not, it's only 8.30pm yet, not that late. What's this about?"

"Uhh.. it's about tomorrow's scene. I'm not sure about.."

Taehyung was engaged with the phone call when the door to his apartment opened and Jungkook came in. Taehyung raised his hand in welcoming and the younger gave a wave in response too. Jungkook walked straight into their shared bedroom, before coming out in his nightwear, an oversized t-shirt and a boxer.

Once the younger was close enough, Taehyung grabbed his hand and softly pulled him to sit on the sofa. Jungkook laid his head comfortably on Taehyung's chest, while the elder sneaked a hand around his waist to pull him even closer. 

"Uh-huh.. but don't worry about it too much. If you feel not sure or uncomfortable you can talk to Yoongi and get it sorted…. Okay then. See you later, Sana-ssi."

Jungkook raised his head a bit to look at Taehyung. "Sana-ssi?"

"Yeah." Taehyung replied as he kept the phone on the coffee table. "She was having a few troubles with the shoot tomorrow."

Jungkook was silent for a few seconds. "I didn't know you guys exchanged numbers."

"Huh? Oh yeah, she asked for my number after the shoot today. In case she had any concerns about the drama."

"Hmm…" Jungkook absentmindedly ran his finger up and down Taehyung's chest. "She didn't ask for mine. Guess that makes sense, I'm clueless as she is."

"No.. you're much better than she is. You know how things work and you're anyway good with memorising scripts."

"That's a long time ago. My brain doesn't work like that." Jungkook sighed while snuggling a bit more into Taehyung and the elder gently massaged his muscles.


"Yeah, kind of."

"Should I make you a protein shake?"

"Nope." Jungkook's voice was starting to get a little drowsy. "I had one on my way home."

"Are things too hard for you? I'm sure we can talk with Yoongi hyung and work something out."

"Nuh, it's okay. I don't want to be a bother as soon as the work starts."

"Are you sure? I don't like you being this exhausted from the start."

"The work itself is not tiring, it's just the change of schedule for me. I'm sure it will be okay in a few days."

"Hmm.. I hope that's the case."

Jungkook snuggled into Taehyung's chest more. "I just need a good sleep and then I'll be good as new."

"Let's go to bed then, sleep baby." Taehyung said as he gave a soft kiss to the top of Jungkook's head, before untangling himself from the embrace. 

He pulled Jungkook by his hand, ignoring the protests of the younger and guided him to the bedroom.

Jungkook was half asleep as Taehyung made him lay down on the bed. The elder got under the covers in the next second too and Jungkook was quick to have his hands around Taehyung's waist. 

Soon, both of them drifted to a peaceful sleep, tucked in each other's arms.

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