22 - It Sucks To Be Alone.

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Taehyung was bored. He had been working non-stop for the past 6-7 years or so and this prolonged break was starting to mess with his mind. His schedule has been wiped clean for 5 weeks by the extremely adamant CEO of his label, Bang Si-Hyuk. Taehyung still would have managed to get some work done if not for his even more stubborn manager, Jimin.

Jimin had this completely misguided guilty feeling that he was the one responsible for the accident that happened to Taehyung at the island resort. No matter how many times Taehyung tried to assure the manager that it was not his fault, Jimin refused to yield.

Things were much better in the two weeks when Taehyung went home. His mom cried when she got to know about the accident and the condition of his shoulder. She begged Taehyung to come home, so that she can look after him. After a lengthy discussion with Jungkook, Taehyung agreed. Partially because he missed his parents and partially because he didn't want to be a bother to Jungkook or Jimin.

Jungkook actually took a few days off so that he could look after Taehyung but it turned out to be useless because Jimin was always at Taehyung's apartment. He came with breakfast even before the sunrise and left only when Taehyung fell asleep at night. With the manager sticking to Taehyung all his awake time, Jungkook didn't even get a chance to see his boyfriend on most days.

The injury to his wrist was healed in no time, just as the doctor said, so Jungkook had to go back to the shooting. The entire schedule was changed to accommodate Taehyung's absence, pushing forward all the scenes without him to be recorded first.

So Taehyung spent two weeks at his parents house, being pampered and entertained by his friends and relatives back home. It's only been about 3 days since he returned back to his apartment. And already, he's bored out of his mind.

Jungkook spent pretty much the entire day at the drama set, he gets home late in the evening. Now that Taehyung can somewhat manage his day with his shoulder sling, Jimin doesn't come for the entire day too. He comes once a day, just to check up. Apart from that, Taehyung spends the day alone.

Taehyung was on the phone when his doorbell rang. "Hold on, hyung. Someone's ringing the doorbell."

Taehyung quickly walked to the door and  opened it, to see Jungkook standing there with a fake smile on his face. Taehyung knew it's fake because it looked too sweet to be true.

Since Jimin started to frequent Taehyung's apartment, Jungkook rings the doorbell, rather than using the access code. He can always pretend that he just came to visit Taehyung, if the latter had other company. Which is why he had his fake smile ready on his face too.

As soon as Jungkook saw that it was Taehyung who opened the door, he dropped the fake smile and his eyes turned much softer too. Taehyung moved a little to the side so that Jungkook could walk in, before closing the door.

"It's Kookie." Taehyung answered the question asked through the phone. "Yeah, hyung, lately he gets a little late. This is actually kinda early, compared to the last few days."

"Tell hyung I said Hi." Jungkook mumbled tiredly before going straight to the bedroom.

"Kookie said Hi." Taehyung dutifully relayed the message. "I gotta go now, hyung… yes, I'll be careful, it's almost okay now though.. I'll talk to you later okay… yeah, bye, hyung."

Taehyung cut the call and threw the phone on to the sofa, before walking towards the bedroom. Jungkook was in the washroom, exactly as Taehyung knew he would. Taehyung sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard and waited till his boyfriend came  out after the shower.

Taehyung hates it when they have to sleep separately but sometimes it's unavoidable with their schedules and all. So even after so many years of being together, Taehyung really cherishes the days they sleep together in one bed. Those are the days that Taehyung has the best sleep and wakes up really refreshed, in both body and mind.

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