chapter two.

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( DIFFICULT DAYS ) , the first cut is the deepest.

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JAMIE STARED AT HER SISTER FROM ACROSS THE KITCHEN ISLAND. The eldest Grey sibling had an amused look on her face as she asked, "So... are putting up those flyers for roommates today or can I at least enjoy whatever peace and dignity I have left?" She was teasing, of course - to a slight degree. They had been living together in Ellis' old house for about a week now and Jamie was absolutely dreading when Meredith was going to get roommates to live with them. She imagined it like a nightmare that she would never be able to escape.

Meredith rolled her eyes with a heavy morning sigh and responded, "It's probably just going to be a couple interns, alright? Not that big of a deal, James."

"Oh, so there just won't be any peace and quiet because not only are they roommates but they're interns... terrific. And I thought I'd only have to see them at work but now they're going to be in my home - again, terrific. You know, I don't know why you had me move in here, Mer. You could deal with all of this by yourself, and I wouldn't have to be made the bad guy." Because we all know that Jamie would end up having to take care of the house and such, making sure the interns didn't do crazy shit with it or break anything. 

Jamie Grey was going to be the discipline of the house. And she was not ready for that. 

"It's too late now, Ace, you already sold your apartment. Looks like your stuck with me." The younger sister smirked when she saw Jamie's frown, knowing she had won this argument. 

The blonde groaned once more and repeated her word for the day, "Terrific."

Meredith laughed, sipping out of her coffee mug. "Don't act too excited. Now, we're going to be late. Let's go." 

"It's not me you have to worry about, Mer. I can be late, you as an intern won't look too good."

"Just-" Sometimes the youngest got really tired of the authority Jamie put up between the two. "-let's go." 

When the two Grey sisters got to the hospital, they went their separate ways to their own locker rooms. Jamie smiled when she saw Miranda and greeted the smaller woman, "Dr. B, how's life going?" She asked the shorter woman before she started changing into her own scrubs.

"What do you want, Dr. Grey?" Bailey deadpanned in return, putting her stethoscope around her neck. "I've got to get down to the annoying interns so whatever you want - make it fast."

"I don't want anything; can't I just see how my favorite resident is doing?"

"No, you can't." Bailey then stood up and started making her way out of the room as Jamie followed. "I already have interns kissing my ass, I don't need residents doing it too."

"Well, where's the fun in that?" Jamie smiled as both women approached the interns. "Ah, good morning lovely interns, how is everyone doing this morning?" She asked the tired and quite frankly dead looking group of people. 

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