chapter twenty-seven.

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( ACCIDENTS HAPPEN ) , walk on water.

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JAMIE TOOK A BATH ONE MORNING. It was to try and ease herself into the day. She was heading back to work after her two days off and she had to admit, she was nervous. Jamie knew how the rumors- good and bad- flew quickly around the hospital and she didn't want anyone to look at her any differently.

Which she knew they probably would so right now she was mentally preparing herself.The blonde kind of just wanted everything to go back to normal the way it was before all the anger, the sadness, drama and chaos. Before Derek.

When Jamie woke up that morning, she gave a loving kiss to her lover before she slipped out of bed and into the bathroom, running the water for the bath. The last time she ran a bath, it didn't go so well. Maybe this time she wouldn't want to break down.

Jamie stripped herself of her clothes and stepped in and sat down. Feeling the porcelain tub against her skin, she looked up at the ceiling before sinking down under the water, closing her eyes and holding her breath. It was quiet- just as she remembers from last time.

Still under the water, Derek walked into the bathroom and that's when he saw her. "Jamie." He called her. When he received no answer, he reached in and pulled her up and out. "Jamie! What the hell are you doing?" He questioned, anger laced in his voice.

"Sorry," She apologized, shaking her head, breathing in the oxygen again. Looking around and taking in her surroundings, she apologized once more, "I'm sorry."

Derek grabbed her favorite towel and helped her out of the bathroom so that both of them could get dressed for their shifts. As they got ready in silence, they walked out of her bedroom and asked, "What were you doing in there?" continuing to nag her about the topic.

"I was taking a bath, Derek." She rolled her eyes in return. "People do that to stay clean."

"That's not what a bath looks like. I know what a bath looks like."

"Drop it." Jamie growled, looking down at her watch, knowing that if she spent any more time arguing with her lover that she would be late.

"Look, about what happened-"

"I said drop it!" The female got fed up quickly and yelled in anger, catching the attention of Meredith and Izzie who were standing in the hallway as well.

"You're acting like nothing happened, Jamie." He argued back, taken back by her outburst of emotions.

"Look, I am fine and I'm trying to have a good day, but you are ruining that for me." Jamie complained with a sigh. This mental preparation was not going as she planned. "I am going back to work today and I. Am. Fine. It's not a big deal. And I get to see my mother today."

"She's having surgery. Heart surgery. Hey," Derek placed a hand on each side of her face. "Do you want me to talk to the Chief? I know you and your interns have that triage thing today, but he'll give you the day off. You know he will."

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