13. skinny dipping

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I wake up with the biggest smile on my face, remembering the events of last night.

With my eyes still closed, I turn over and reach out an arm to pull Dakota back to me, missing her warmth. When my hand only feels cold sheets, my eyes shoot open and I sit up, looking around the room. Realizing I'm alone, my eyebrows furrow together in confusion and I quickly pull on my boxers and Connors t-shirt, heading out towards the living room.

My shoulders relax when I hear a familiar voice humming in the kitchen, and my speed increases, eager to get to my girl. I smile when I finally see her through the doorway, hair up in a messy bun, dressed in a crewneck and barely-there shorts. I lean a shoulder against the wall, crossing my arms and ankles as I watch her move with her back facing me.

There seems to be a bounce to her step today, and I'd be lying if I said that didn't feed my ego. When I woke up alone, part of me was worried she had gone to Ellie's room, feeling like we had rushed things or that I had pushed her last night. I didn't bring her back here last night expecting for her to go down on me, my only goal was to make sure she was taken care of.

When I realize I've probably been staring for a few minutes too long, I go up behind Dakota, wrapping my arms around her small waist and resting my chin on her shoulder. "Goodmorning, love."

One of her small hands goes to my forearm, squeezing as she turns her head to face me. "Morning, Park," she pecks my cheek.

"Are you feeling okay about last night?" My question comes out less confident than I would have liked.

She sets down her spatula, turns in my arms, and wraps her small ones around my neck. She smiles at me, "I'm feeling great about it, you?"

I let out a relieved breath, kissing her softly, "better than great." I peek over her shoulder at the pancakes on the stove, "are you gonna cook me breakfast every time I eat you out?" I can't help but smirk.

Her face turns bright red as she pushes me away, suddenly turning shy. "You wish. If anything, I'm mad at you"

A chuckle escapes my lips, "why?"

She gives me a pointed look, pulling down the neck of her crewneck and showing me her collarbones that are littered with hickies.

"I don't see the problem here," I gloat.

"So you wouldn't mind if Connor saw your little art project?"

My eyes widen and I reach forward, pulling up her crewneck and hiding her collarbones once again. "I'll buy you Dunkin every day for the rest of your life," I plead.

Her head falls back as she breaks out into laughter. "I'm just messing with you, but maybe next time keep it to two or three max? And low enough to where I can hide them easier." She pecks my lips, turning back to finish our breakfast.

My brain is still stuck on the "next time" part, and I look up to the ceiling, thanking whoever made me the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.

"By the way," she starts, "I'll be at yours for breakfast Thursday, Ellie got me roped into making Brooks a birthday cake for breakfast."

"You're coming with us to morning skate that day right?" She nods in response, "I'll come over while you bake it and then drive you and Ellie over after."

"Parker, you don't have to do that. I'll need to start at six, and I don't want you to be tired for practice," she looks at me seriously.

"I'll be here at five forty-five," I respond, ignoring her statement.

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