27. disconnected

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Me: How is everything going?

Parker: Good

Me: I hope you're having fun

Parker: So much

Me: Miss you <3

Parker: You too

Throwing my head back against the headrest, it makes a loud banging noise that startles Connor.

"What the hell, Kota?" He accidentally hits the breaks.

"Sorry," I mumble.

When we hit a stoplight, he turns to look at me. "Are you good?"

"I know he's probably busy, but Parker didn't call or text me when he got to Nashville last night, and now I'm getting two-word responses."

He gives me a weird look, "really?"

"Yes, really Connor. Why the fuck would I be complaining if he wasn't?" I don't mean for it to come out that rude, but I'm both annoyed and hangry, a dangerous mix.

Connor is quiet until we pull into our favorite diner. "He's been sending me pictures all morning," he admits.

I just stare at him.

"Have you tried calling him?"

"Of course, I have. He just sent it to voicemail before it could even ring twice."

He rests a hand on my shoulder, "don't overthink it. Let's just go get a milkshake and eat until we puke."

This is why Connor will always be my number one. Growing up, I had intense social anxiety, and he never let it take over my life. When we'd go out, he would make me talk to strangers, and every time I started to shut down, he'd fill me with so much food that I couldn't think about my nerves.

After we order, Connor looks a little bit nervous before he speaks up. "Have you heard back about any apprenticeships?"

"Um," my eyes fall to my milkshake. "Yeah, but nothing too serious yet."

"I'm calling bullshit, but I'll let it slide since you're having a rough day."

"Can I ask you something?" I change the subject.


"Is something going on between you and El? I've been meaning to ask for a while, but I've been waiting until it was just you and I."

Connor's eyes widen, and he leans back, stunned. "What did she tell you?"

"Nothing," I smile, "but I can tell by the look on your face that there is something."

"There is," he nods. "But nothing too serious," he smirks, using my previous words against me.

I point a butterknife in his direction. "Keep talking or I'll tell Brooks, and we both know he'll be relentless."

"We're just talking, Kota," he shakes his head, chuckling.

My eyes narrow, "have you kissed her?"

"No! I'm not that terrible," he sighs. "She broke up with Josh a month ago, I don't want to rush her."

"Con, I love you, but you're an idiot." I roll my eyes, "I can tell she likes you, and she's definitely not going to wait around forever."

He throws a straw wrapper at me, "leave me alone. We don't all move at lightning speed."

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