1. 'Fate or Coincidence?'

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It was the year 2018, and it had been a long time since Lucky Blue Smith uploaded a picture. I looked over his fan accounts. His followers were concerned, wondering what became of him. All the latest pictures, for six months now are of him and his daughter Gravity, Deneo thought as she followed him, and perused his every upload, liking as she goes. "I wonder if he'll even notice. Possibly not. I'm sure he has about 50 new followers daily."

Going back in time, it was the year 2015 when she first encountered him. She was writing a BWWM for creative writing class and browsed the net for a corresponding love object. She didn't chose him but she was impressed with him nonetheless. In 2018 again, on the prowl for a suitable male lead for her writing, she comes across his pictures again. He wasn't the only male with strawberry blonde hair, but amongst them he was the most striking.

"Who is this guy?" She asks herself as she searches the net for his name.

Lucky Blue Smith. A weird name, Lucky. Blue, on the other hand, speaks to his entrancing eyes.

But he no longer looks like what he did three years back, now sporting the natural hue of his tresses - a dirty blonde. Looking at a picture where he has his hair slicked back, one can tell he is still handsome, but not as captivating as before. 

After watching a few videos and browsing through many pictures, a connection is made - at least from Deneo's side. She finds out he's Mormon and feels like she knows and loves him. But then she finds out that, out of step with Mormonism, he's had a child out of wedlock. This is disappointing to Deneo who has never even dated (looking for the one she'll marry). After this huge blow she then sees a risqué music video where he acts as the male lead in a music video about homosexual love. Deneo is upset by this too. "He looks so passionately involved in what he's doing."

Watching 'Everlasting Love' Deneo begins to write about Lucky - with the sense of being deflated, but needing to purge. At this time in her life she is also at odds with her  MA research supervisors, and considering not submitting at all. "Maybe," she thinks "I could make it big as a writer", sure that Lucky is benevolent enough to help her along the way, especially if her writing would become of high quality. And so she starts writing.

She writes a short story of him and her: that he would read her story and because of it travel across seas to meet her. That they would work on a single together and then fall in love, get married on a whim, and move in together, Deneo leaving family behind to be with him. She would be Mrs Smith. His saviour from living a life that is antagonistic to the church.

But Lucky wouldn't read Deneo's story.

Or at least this is what she thinks happened, she had sent him a link to edit her draft but he never DM'ed her back.

She finally deletes the story, but immediately regretting it she writes another. She deletes this one too, and a third, and ultimately the fourth and last, regretting the day she first came across him.

And yet her heart starts to ache. Is she in love with him? She begs to differ. It's that there's a connection there that she seeks to 'exploit', in a manner of speaking. She wants to see where all this gets her.

She keeps seeing signs that she should pick up the pen again, like her sharing the same (Hebrew) birthday, 22 Tishrei, with both Barbara Palvin whom Lucky is a great fan of, and Christie Burke, Clover from 'Everlasting Love'. Lucky's celebrity crush at around 16 was Candice Swanepoel, from South Africa, where Deneo's from, and her birthday is on October 20th, Deneo's being 19th of October. Deneo was born in a hospital called Victoria Lovedale, and she considers herself a secret angel to Lucky because there she was writing a story of how Lucky can get back in good graces with the body of Christ.

Deneo's family was also Mormon, for about a year. 

In 2011 Deneo almost dated a guy whose name is an anagram for Luc Blu Smith.

In her dreams: it's him and her together; Deneo as a step mom to Gravity; Lucky even appearing to her as an angel in the night. 

But no matter how roiled her psyche is she does not write of him again.

In 2019 Lucky uploads a picture of him and a, wait for it, black girl. Yes, she's biracial, but that's one thing Deneo and Nara have in common. Another is her small Asian-like eyes and natural fro-like hair. Instead of South African she's from a neighbouring country - Australia. In a short space of time we hear that they got married. She takes his surname being Nara Aziza Smith. And she is a Libra too.

Some cruel joke God is playing on Deneo, some might think. 

While others might say these are all just strange coincidences, and as a result find her mad. 

But Deneo, believing in fateful encounters, cannot think or say the same. She believes she's meant to meet Lucky.

Now what her and Lucky get up to after meeting she doesn't make too strict a projection. 

"But what if because he's Mormon I could be his second wife? Wouldn't that be something..."

Deneo wants to write to Lucky again but she's banned from Instagram. She changed her username about 50 million times; she just couldn't get the right name to be noticed. Yes, sounds creepy. That along with the fact that she sent him about 100 DM's pleading for him to look at her work. At last the psychological battle was too hard to conquer, and Deneo has a meltdown. In early 2021, she is diagnosed psychotic and depressed.  

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