7. 'Cape Town'

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When the day finally comes Deneo boards the plane to Cape Town Lucky letting her know in advance he will be wearing a black cap, a karki green mask and a black and white sweater. 

The trip takes an hour. Deneo spots a head above the rest peering here and there in search for her, she presumes.

"Hey Lucky," Deneo says poking him from the side. Lucky turns to see her.

"Oh, hi. Deneo?"

"Yes, it's me."

"You definitely weren't kidding about being short," he says bowing down and pulling her in for a hug.

"Where's the wife and kids?"

"They're at the location. Slim was asleep, we didn't have the heart to wake him up."

"I see. I can't wait to meet them. Nara in particular. I'm a fan."

"Don't let her hear you say it. It will make things awkward. Rather say you admire her."

"Which is exactly what it is," Deneo answers glad at the amendment.

"Great. I hope you ate, we only get dinner from the hotel."

"First class."

"Meaning yes?"

"Meaning you didn't have to."

"You're so witty, I like that."



"Fine. Yes I had an okay lunch. We had chocolate mousse for dessert so I'm all smiles."

"Dinner should be better judging by what we've been eating this past week."

"How has it been otherwise?"

"The people are warm and helpful. The fans made it to the airport on time waiting on me with banners and cards hoping I enjoy my stay. It was a grand welcome."

"You've never been to Africa before?" Deneo questions uncertainly.

"We were in Rwanda for two weeks before we got here. I loved it there. The place is kept so clean."

"Be glad you didn't end up in Joburg."

"I did my research. Apparently it's filthy."

"I wouldn't use such a strong word. Perhaps unkempt" Deneo says with a wink. "And that's only in certain areas, particularly Joburg central. That place is the pits."

"You said you lived in Randburg."

"Yes. The unpleasant parts of it."

"Shame honey," he emits with a soft laugh.

"When I start working we're getting the Hell out of there."

"How is your condition now?"

"It's better - I'm not as bellicose. I'm no longer as depressed too. But my ears are still giving me trouble. I can hear you well because of how sonorous your voice is."

"Oh? And so how are your studies going?"

"I'm in regular contact with my supervisor now, so things couldn't be better."

"How far along are you to finishing?"

"After another six to eight months," he, my supervisor projects.

"Great. Don't mess it up now. You're at the last lap."

"Mess it up? I wouldn't dream of it."

"Weren't you at odds with your supervisor?"

"Oh. That. Well my psychosis is clearing."

"Glad to hear it. We're almost there."

"At the hotel?"


"Lucky, how can I thank you for all of this?"

"Your book will be a success, there's no more to it."

Deneo smiles. She wishes she was as hopeful as he. She's failed at almost everything she's attempted.

They approach some houses on a cliff.

"I love this place," Deneo almost murmurs to herself.

"Camps Bay. This is where we're living for the time being. "

"Shut up. It's expensive."

"Not if you have American dollars."

"Oh. Well good for you."

"And here we are. I hope you like kids. Nara might need some help when I'm away.

"I absolutely love them."

"Well fantastic."

"Expecting a third?"

"Easy tiger," he slaps and Deneo laughs at him.

"Wait, I'll help you with that" Lucky offers as he sees Deneo reaching for her bag in the trunk, right beside him.

"Let's get you cleaned up and rested," Lucky says placing her bag next to her bed. "I'll come for you right before dinner."

"Okay. How much time does that give me?"

"Dinner's at 18h30. And now it's almost 14h00. So that's 4 and a 1/2?"

"Okay. I'll see you," she says waving him off. 

Dinner with Nara, Lucky and the kids? Should be fun Deneo thinks calling her mother first and then texting her sister to let them know she got there safely. And then she takes a shower before snapping a zillion pics for her sis'.

After an hour's rest Deneo gets ready for dinner. Lucky arrives at 5 minutes to 8, leading her to the restaurant downstairs.

Her heart skips a beat when she sees Nara waving at her with a smile. Deneo waves back, unable to look at her as she comes closer.

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