Chapter-6: Really unbelievable!

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Almer's pov

I've been confused a bit. No completely. Honestly, too much since everything happening nowadays is eating my head. Upon that Uzma and her talks! She just feels too destructive sometimes. But her talks do make sense from an angle. She's trying so hard to make me believe in her useless talks. And I've decided to after I looked into it.

Alina doesn't seem like a seductress.
And Sohail Alfaone doesn't seem like a mad lover who sometimes loves and other times abuses or uses his women. Well, I do believe he has a hidden side of himself that he has hidden from the world... let's find out what's more to him. And Alina... I don't know what to think or believe about her so I decided to let it be.

Since I woke up today, I've been engaged in these thoughts! Yesterday after having lunch with Alina. Even after going back to my office, I remembered how I couldn't focus on the work which was at hand back then and I took leave after that and went to my sister's place to catch up with her and her kids. Meanwhile today, I came straight to my company without bothering to visit Sahil's company as I didn't want to face Alina or Sohail Alfaone yet! My company's head manager messaged me saying he's waiting for me at the conference hall. I texted back apologizing for my carelessness and told him I'm on the way there.
Upon reaching the conference hall, I knocked and entered jerking the manager out of his thoughts.
'Assalamualaikum, Usman! I'm glad you made it on time otherwise I had already forgotten about this.'- I said sheepishly hitting my head with my hand.
'Walaikumussalam, Almer sir. It's alright. I take this as my responsibility!'- Usman says.
'Ok...then. Please present your report about the departments' success first and then about their failure, let's discuss what they're lacking at later!'
'Yes sir. Right away!'
The smart screen popped up with a statistic report showing the success of the company. From here we discussed further the project operations which were successful. And congratulated each other for the good results by praising and giving a hi-5.
The next statistics graph report slides up and it takes my attention to how one of the departments is facing a downright fall. It angered me and I told Usman to call the department manager right then. He appeared while his face hung low. Mr. George clemendow was in charge of it.
'Good afternoon sir.' -he greeted.
'I may not say the same to you' -I say through clenched teeth.
'I knew sir. I've disappointed you with the management of my department.'
'Good that you understood before I even pointed it out! Look at his audacity!'- I say rolling my eyes and turning my head towards Usman before throwing a sarcastic look at George.
'Hehehe. That brat knows he messed up big time by the look on your face!' -Usman first laughs lightly covering his mouth with his hand and then says loathing his mere existence.
'Sorry, sir. I admit my... mistake.'
'YOU DARE TO CALL IT A MERE MISTAKE?'- I yelled at him furiously seeing the department's statistic graph report showing its clean end. And stood up. Usman also stood up sensing the serious situation.
'I'm sorry sir. Forgive me. I believe I kind of neglected my responsibility after having attained a higher position than earlier. Please give me a chance to correct my mistake. I was not in my correct senses.' - he says begging forgiveness after getting flinched at my loud voice.
'YOU GODDAMN ADMIT THAT YOU DECLINED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AFTER GAINING A HIGHER POSITION! YOU'RE DEFINITELY NOT in your senses.' - I say the last words hauntingly slow and clear. And threw the file which contained the department's statistic graph report on his face.
'GET LOST! I fire you. Nah! I don't give a chance to irresponsible fellows' - I smash my final decision on his face like I just gave the final verdict on a lengthy case!
I sat down on my chair holding my throbbing head. Usman hurriedly came to my side and asked.
'Are you okay?! Almer, calm down. You anyways didn't look in your proper state of mind when you came.' - Usman asked showing worry in his facial expression. Which would normally be up straight rough!
He's been a good junior friend of mine since college. At the office, we don't publicize our relationship.
'I don't feel okay.' I said after letting out a heavy sigh.
'I don't know what I'm feeling!'
He patted my back trying to comfort me. And suggested.
'Let's have mocha coffee at 'Your local Love' cafe. Your favorite! What say?!'
'Alright.' - I announced my decision not wanting to argue further.
I let Usman drive us to the cafe in my car. As he said. After having my daily dosage of caffeine in one go. I felt happy. And all my worry seems to vanish at this place.
( Pic above⬆️)'s such a beauty. The water surrounding the circular skyscraper! Such an enchanting view... I think about what would it be like to have my future wife with me in this place?! And get lost in thoughts of Alina. Idk why, when I'm already engaged to Uzma. Just mentioned her in my thoughts she is right there in front of me. How is this possible?! I rubbed my eyes to check if I'm dreaming about 'what it would be like to have my future wife with me...'
Usman chuckles at my silent melodrama and says.
'The lady's for real dude!'
'Then let's meet her!'- I say exclaiming my hands on the table happily.
'So, Is she the cause of your worry now?! Hmm..' -he asks raising his eyebrows with suspicious eyes.
'Ahm..yeah. Actually one of the worries.' - I say, scratching my neck.
Before he could ask anything else I grabbed his hand and dragged him to her table where she was leisurely drinking cappuccino lost in her world while gazing at the ocean.
'Assalamualaikum Alina. A warm surprise to find you here.' - I say making her come out of her line of thoughts.
'Walaikumsalam Almer. Not too shocked to see you here as I saw you when you came in here with..'- She replies instantly trailing off seeing Usman beside me and then again looking at me as if questioning me.
'Ohh! you saw us.'- realization dawned on me that she is asking who is this person beside you?
'Meet my company's head manager cum my junior friend, Usman Mazhar.'
'Assalamualaikum. Nice to meet you sir.'- She says forwarding her hand for Usman to shake which erupts something in my heart but I let it slide by.
'Usman! She's Alina Damasar, Sahil's cousin. He has newly hired her as a doc in UFTAB.' - I say introducing them to each other.
'Walaikumussalam Miss Alina. Nice to meet you too.'-he says shaking her hand while smiling and this time something surely pinched my heart. But again, I chose to ignore it. For a while, they stood like that. Their hands are in the shaking position. Then Alina perhaps felt awkward and began gazing at their shook hands and Usman's face. Usman like a flirtatious person was staring at Alina's face with a smirk. I coughed bringing Usman to the world. He took his hand back making Alina look at me with thankful eyes. I gave a nod acknowledging her condition.
'We'll take our leave then. Take care, Alina! Allahafiz.' - I said not wanting Usman to stare at her anymore. Although we went and sat in my car, I sat in my original seat. But instead of driving once we settled in the car, my eyes were not moving from her trying to understand why is she smiling since we met her. As I observed her before meeting with her. She looked quite occupied in her thoughts, her face showcased a kind of gloomy expression. Now suddenly as if she got reminded of something urgent, she takes out her phone and by the looks of it calls someone. While talking to the certain 'someone' while showing her flattering smile showing all her 32 teeth, probably! Her gaze shifts and I feel like she saw me, I hurriedly act like I didn't just get caught looking at her bluntly. And drove off to Usman's penthouse on the hill, that's far away from the city. Usman insisted I stay with him until his brother and sister-in-law arrives from their in-laws. Upon receiving requests and pleas from him for a while, I stayed for an hour and left as soon as his brother arrived after greeting him.

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