Chapter 17: Emily & Helena's Drama

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Emily sheilded me away from the horrendous site of my friend. Gabe. I couldn't believe he was gone. I tried to look away but I couldn't. The more I tried, the more Emily proceeded to push me away and back towards the dorms.

When we got inside my dorm, I sat on the bed and stared at the floor. Emily started throwing up in the bathroom. I could feel myself becoming angry. More and more angry. Emily wasn't supposed to be acting out nor drinking around the college I go to. I got up and followed her into the bathroom.

"Hey!" I yelled at her. "This is your fault!"

She continued to throw up. I almost got sick from looking at her. 

"Because of you my friend got killed!" I said out loud. I was sure other people could here me. I didn't care. I was beyond upset. I lost a friend. What else mattered? Nothing in that moment.

Emily sat back against the toilet, facing me with the most shocked expression. "Blame your friend!" She pointed to herself  before stumbling to get up and pointing at me. "Actually, Tori. You can blame yourself. You couldn't stop yourself. Because of you, Mr. Harmon escaped. Because of you!"

I threw my hands up at her, wanting to grab her face and shake her but I turned around and walked back to my bed instead. I began crying into my pillow until I heard a sound. Someone opened the door.

"Helena?" Emily said.

"Emily..." Helena looked as shocked.

Emily ran back to the bathroom to throw up.

I faced Helena with tears in my eyes. "Gabe's gone, Helena. He's gone."

She ran up to me, got on her knees and rested her hand on mine. "Hey, hey." She shushed me. "See how Emily's here? See how I'm here?" 

I nodded slowly. 

"We can get him back," she said. I couldn't tell if she meant what she said. She sounded unsure. 

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"We're going to stop this. For good. We will confront this," She said.

I sat up straight on my bed. Emily walked out of the bathroom. She rubbed her temples together. "I need a nap," she said.

Helena laughed. "You have time to rest," she said. "they can't track a drunk person."

"What?" I asked.

"Alcohol," Helena continued. "it can keep the demons away."

I scoffed. "Really? I heard the opposite."

"See, Tori," Emily sprawled out on the floor. "I was trying to protect you."

"I don't understand," I told her. "We were in a bar. It's full of alcohol."

"It's Mr. Harmon," Helena went on. "he won't give up. He's all around this place and he's helping control your friend, Mickiyah. She's mostly human. She can still get close to you."

"We should probably get away from this school for a bit Emily," Helena faced me. "It'll put more people at risk. We should go somewhere where we can talk and plan." She looked at Emily. "You're coming too."

She nodded. "I assumed you wouldn't leave me on a school campus."

Emily was right. At this point, anyone was at risk. I needed a way to relax for a second and get my thoughts together. I just had no idea how the 3 of us would get anywhere.


We stole a car. I was surprised that we ended up back at Violet's house. It was dark but Helena seemed to have placed lamps and candles around the house and outside of it. Emily sort of slowed down the closer we got to the old abandoned house. She seemed more afraid of It than any of us. Once we were up the rickety porch and into the house, Violet appeared out of the kitchen, her feet inches off the ground. Her figured glowed in the candlelit room. I could tell she was more of ghost than usual which was pretty scary.

Violet and Emily exchanged a long glance. I couldn't tell who would talk to who first.

"Wow. You didn't grow too much," Violet smiled.

Emily let out a light laughter. "I didn't." 

They walked up to each other. I could see Emily was about to hug Violet but stopped herself. I guessed because Violet couldn't be hugged. 

"We're back here again," Emily sighed before sitting on one of the chairs. 

Helena sat down. "We'll be safe here. Gives us enough time to plan."

Violet hovered next to me while looking at Emily. "Somehow we'll have to play this game and beat my dad."

Helena shook her head. "No. It's more to that now," she said. "Beyond that. The book has to be destroyed. We have to play the game but somehow expose a deal with Mr. Harmon. I don't know if it can work that way. We have to get Mickiyah to play that game so Mr. Harmon doesn't have help."

Emily laughed while play with a match that was on the table. "What are we going to do? Invite Mr. Harmon and Mickiyah to play of Hide and Seek?"

"Basically!" Helena said. "I could use some of my magic. Maybe recreate the mansion and set up a spell or something."

"You can do that?" Emily asked. 

"I suck with spells. I only know one person that could help me with that," she said.

"Who?" Emily raised an eyebrow.

"My ex-girlfriend," Helena whispered. 

Emily's  eyes widened and her eyebrows sank down.

Violet let out a laugh then covered it.

Emily blushed. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," Violet smiled. She glided over by Emily then winked at her.

I had no idea what was going on. "Umm what's happening? Did I miss something?"

"Where is Jasper?" Helena asked. Her tone went down a bit. She looked around as if she was expecting to see someone. "is he around?"

Emily squinted and closed her hands together. "Not here obviously. Why?"

"Emily, it was just a question," Violet said.

"Whatever," she responded. 

I had no clue what was going on. Whatever was happening between these two, it sounded like a whole lot of drama...


RECAP: Helena and Emily liked each other but Emily choose Jasper.

In Hide and Seek 2, Helena and Emily had a thing for each other

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