Chapter 15: Helena

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Violet walked me up to the house where a boarded-up door stood. She grabbed me by the hand and told me to take a deep breath. "If you breathe you'll get stuck in between this door," she said carelessly. As I held my breath, the two of us slid through the door effortlessly. Once I was able to breathe, I saw a girl standing there looking at us like we were breaking in or something. She was so stiff. Still. Didn't move a muscle. We looked at each other for way too long. I felt funny. Like, weird funny as if I knew Helena or I've met her before somewhere.

Helena then broke free of her thoughts and finally blinked. "Don't worry, we're safe for now," she stuck out her hand. I shook her head and for some bizarre reason, we just kept staring at each other. 

"Let's go in the kitchen and talk," Violet walked past us. We followed her. I looked around at the old place. There was garbage and broken stuff everywhere. Old furniture with cobwebs and animals living in the holes.

We sat at an old plastic table that was missing a leg. It was held up by more garbage. Violet handed me an upside-down bucket to sit on while Violet and Helena took a broken chair. "Thank you, Violet." Helena smiled at her. "It's nice to see you again. You look great."

Violet returned the smile. "You too."

I was watching a ghost get complimented. Interesting.

"Tori?" Helena said. "That's your name?"


"You got yourself into a lot of trouble with that ouija board, you know," she shook her head.

"It wasn't my f-"

"Take responsibility," Violet chimed in while still facing the table. "you went with someone who wanted to contact a ghost."

"And I didn't know that some dead dude would follow me," I got up off the bucket, feeling angry. "I thought you both were supposed to help me, not remind me that I shouldn't have came out here."

"We are helping you," Violet looked up at me. "Helena's the reason Mr. Harmon hasn't latched onto you yet. He's playing with a little hopeless monkey."

I remained silent while looking at her.

Helena got up and motioned me to sit back down. I did. I took a deep breath. "I know it's hard, having to take responsibility especially when you didn't ask for. However, we have to accept the truth in order to move on right, Tori?"

I nodded.

"And the truth is, if you don't stop Mickiyah, those you love will die," Helena said.

"What do I do?" I asked.

Helena looked down, like she was in deep thought. "This is tough," she sighed. "You know...the more I help you, the more power I loose to stay on Earth. I get lighter anytime I use my power right now. I don't want that to happen, so I'm going to need you to win every game."

"Every game?" I asked.

"Of Hide and Seek." She said.

I was so baffled. 

Hide and Seek.

What did she mean?

Violet and Helena took turns carefully explaining how Mr. Harmon came up with a game to be able to take the souls of bodies. How demons can't just take whoever. It's like a bet. If they lose, the demon can take their soul. Violet explained how demons pry on the weak and when you're vulnerable, they strike. The more they can get into your head, the easier it becomes for them to step into your life. It can start off harmless, then suddenly someone can die. 

"It's very dangerous," Helena said. "playing with the unseen. I'll tell you right now, once anyone takes an Ouija board to contact someone, they aren't talking to who they think they are. They're talking to an imposter who wants to be apart of our world. You two opened that portal."

"And now you have to play the game by the rules," Violet said. "you will be put in a position to play the game. We all have been and we all will be. I've learned so much through my years of being alone. There doesn't have to be a winner. You have to reach Mickiyah and help her find her self again."

I raised an eyebrow and let out a fake laughter. "She wants to kill me! I'm afraid to talk to her or anything." I turned to Helena. "I need your help."

"I'm doing my best," she replied. Helena looked at me hard, like she was trying to figure something out about me. 

Violet stood up. "We'll all do our best," she said gesturing me up. "You should go find Emily. Both of you, be well on your guard. Don't loose faith. We can stop the game."

"How do I win?" I asked, still confused. "I can't just talk the evil out of Mickiyah."

"You'll have to," she said. "you and Emily will have to work together. I know you two can do it."

Violet went up to me and took my hand. She smiled gently while looking into my eyes. I couldn't feel her hands but somehow she touched me. "When I found out about my dad, I thought there was nothing I could do. I was right, you know? But...there was one time where he looked deep inside and he could've stopped himself. He just choose power and me or my mother wasn't enough. There's good somewhere in Mickiyah...and maybe even my dad."

Something about that last statement gave me shivers. I nodded and head towards the door. Helena stopped me before I got to the door. "I'll do my best to be there for you. I'm close by."

"I suppose you can't stay with me in my dorm can you?" I asked her.

She smiled. "I could, but I don't know how Emily would feel about that."

"Aren't you two close or something?" I asked.

She gave me half smile. "We used to be."

With that, I headed out the door and into the real world. I felt so weird leaving the house. Before driving away, I saw Violet and Helena watching me leave. Their presence disturbed me but was peaceful at the same time. I had so much emotions running around in my head and felt a lot of pressure.

When I had a chance to check my phone before heading to my dorm, I got message from an unknown number. 

"Meet me a Dom's Den Bar."

Dom's Den Bar was a few minutes from campus. I didn't know who was texting me and I didn't ask. I swallowed then drove over to find out who was texting me."


Should be updating more from here. I had been off my medicine (For BPD) which was making things harder for me to write and focus and just be in reality lol but I'm back on my meds and broke them in and I feel so good writing again <3

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