Chapter Five

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By the end of the week Amy was in the O.R having the piece of skull reattached,  thankfully for Amy they'd only shaved the area at the back so her hair would naturally fall over the bold spot. After the operation her head was bandaged and she was no longer in the tent.
Ty was so pleased he could sit and hold her hand again. The last two weeks had been horrendous and he was glad she hadn't been conscious or even semi conscious.
By the end of the third week she was starting to come around which Ty was worried about. Would she be able to see or did Tim's actions put an end to that hope.

Ty was in Maggie's getting up the courage to go see Amy, when she woke up two days ago the Family's hopes were totally smashed when Amy couldn't see, she was in such a state they gave her a very mild sedative to help calm her down, Ty was with her yesterday but all she did was cry and sleep, even Ty has cried himself to sleep the last two night's.  Georgie keeps blaming herself because Ty was going to go with Amy but Georgie moaned so much Amy told him to stay and help her horse which was injured because she didn't do as Jack told her in the first place, and had Ty gone Amy wouldn't of gotten hurt.
Ty was just finishing his coffee when Tim walked in.
"So Ty how's Amy doing, getting better I hope".
Ty finished his coffee and turned to face Tim, "Actually Tim were all surprised she's still alive after that stunt you pulled ".
"Ahh come on, I helped her".
"You almost dam well killed her Tim,  she was so bad she ended up having part of her skull removed and they stored it in her belly to keep it alive because you took her off the drugs to stop her brain from swelling, now because of you she's blind".
Ty then lost his Temper and punched Tim so hard he knocked him out for about a minute.
"I'm going to make sure your arrested for that".
"Well I could do the same with you for what you've done Tim".
"Okay, okay, I'll let you off with that one, I suppose I deserved it".
Ty left and went on his way to see Amy.

One Month Later

Ty was walking with Amy to help her get used to walking around with her white cane, she knew her way around the Ranch House area blindfolded but now it was real.
"Would you like to go and see Spartan Amy".
"Err yes, I'll try".
They entered the Barn and Ty was watching her, he could tell the smell of the Barn and horses relaxed her and he took her to Spartan who was pleased to see his mistress. Amy was stroking his head and under his chin when he he started throwing his head up and down neighing.
Amy pulled back suddenly sweating and panicking "I can't do this Ty get me out please".
Ty got her out into the fresh air and wrapped her in his arms, she put her arms around his neck playing with his hair , she was shaking and crying.
"You okay Amy".
"No, I had a flashback to just before everything went black, I can't believe Adrian did this to me".
"He did it to get back at Ahmed ".
"But why take it out on me".
"Come on let's get you back to the house and you need to lay down for a while".
Ty came out of Amy's room to see Jack, Lou and Lisa looking at him.
"I take it things didn't go well".
"No, she was okay to start with,  a little hesitant but she got to Spartan and was giving him some fuss then in his excitement he started throwing his head up and down and neighing, then she said she had a flashback and completely freaked out".
"Well that's completely understandable Ty considering what she's been through".
"Yeah I know Jack, it's going to take time".
"That's if she ever gets over it Ty".
"I know Lisa, I just feel so helpless ".

To be continued

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