Chapter Four: Safe

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Willa had helped lilah pack up the dorm whilst I showered, taking a moment to sob as the water washed away the night before. How had I let that night happen, it wiped away so much of my confidence and that feeling of safety and content, it kind of got stripped away, why didn't my voice serve me when I needed it most?! I should have been able to make it clear that I suddenly wasn't into it and at this point I blamed my body more than I blamed Max, it had forsaken me.

I put on some denim jeans and an oversized hoody, chucking on my black and white converse high tops. Lilah and Willa appear back in the room ahead of me, Lilah was sweating a little and pointing at Willa who walked in front of her, pretending to fan herself.

I rolled my eyes and frowned at her, mouthing "stop it".

Willa had taken off her sweater and was now lifting heavy boxes in a sports bra and black yoga pants.

Delilah was a pervert.

As Willa disappeared back down to the car I looked at the now empty side of the room where I had spent three years of college, it seemed strange to see it so bare, like I had never even been here at all.

Lilah sat down on her bed, deflating. "Going to be so strange not seeing you everyday Harps"

I turned and squeezed her shoulder "I know... how will I sleep without the sound of you making out with someone two feet from my bed?" I say sarcastically and she playfully hits me.

"Please" she retorts "it made it fun to guess who it would be when morning came... boy or girl... hot or not... I brought the entertainment to this dorm room" she says smiling teasingly.

"That you did Delilah... that you did" i state and I grab my rucksack, the last thing left on my side of the room.

"Come on then D let's go home and eat ourselves into a coma... my aunt Willa knows how to cheer a girl up" I state, and I realise my mistake as soon as it leaves my lips.

"I bet she does" Delilah purrs and I reach down grabbing a cushion and throw it at her.

"Stop with the inappropriate thoughts or I will tell my mama you are crushing on her wife... she doesn't much like the thought of sharing" I say teasingly.

"Fine" she says throwing the pillow back down onto the bed "but I am a hot blooded woman... and she is far too delightful not to notice... not my" she says following me from the room, and shutting the door behind her.

"I won't miss your commentary when she visits, that's for sure" i state as we walk down the hallway.

As Willa's car pulls up to the house, I smile to see mama knee deep in the boarders, removing dead flowers and replanting. Her red hair is wrapped up on her head in a silk scarf, and she looks adorable in her dungarees, with tan gloves on her hands that she throws down with an excited smile as she spots us pull in.

"My baby" she squeals pulling me from the car into her arms and peppering my face in kisses. "You were that excited to finish college you came home a day early"

I kind of look sheepishly to Willa who shrugs her shoulders, she was going to let me decide to say or not, oh the pressure.

"Actually mama I kind of... I had a bad night" I Confess.

Mama frowns "what does that mean" she asks and she looks to Willa who comes to stand beside her "Willa what does that mean" she asks her.

I take her hand and interject "I tried alcohol last night and I know I shouldn't have mama but I did, and it turns out I'm quite allergic to it... the hospital called me with my results on the way back home"

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