Chapter Fourteen: Is that a gun?

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I had been down in Connecticut all day with Teddy, she had picked me up at the crack of dawn and promised me a day of fun and retail therapy, and as always, Teddy delivered.

"You can't buy me that" I protest as she pulls me into the baby store, we had been admiring a nursery set in the window.

"I can" she says defiantly, leading me in to the open plan store with twenty or so nursery's set up to look at and admire.

She led me straight to the one we had been admiring, a stunning white painted oak, with small carved little bird details on the chest of drawers and the crib.

"Fit for a little Wren I reckon" she says turning to me with a smile.

"Teddy no" I argue turning the price tag over in my spare hand "it's far too expensive... and she will only need it for a couple of years"

Teddy rolls her eyes "Don't listen to your mama Wren" she says bending down and talking to my bump "you can have it even if you spend a month in it... because it's fit for a princess and that will always be you"

"A princess is she" I ask teasingly "I thought you would have her down as a little tomboy"

Teddy laughs "look I can't deny I would love a little tomboy to play ball with but she's being birthed by a queen and that's how titles are bestowed... she's a princess whose going to ball... not go to the" she says flicking her hair and turning up her chin with her hand.

"Okay well we shall see..." I say and she looks back to the nursery set and takes my arm in hers and walks us to the desk.

"I want the bird song nursery furniture, do you deliver within a certain time frame" she asks the sales girl.

I shake my head, I couldn't believe she was buying it.

The young assistant nods "we can deliver in a month" she returns, and then she flutters her eyelashes really subtly and she's clocked who Teddy is, and now she's flirting. "I hope you don't mind me saying this but you were incredible at last nights charity game. I was there with a date, she likes the game but I admit I go for you, you're incredible" she says and she's trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

I want to roll my eyes, the pain it takes to hold it back is ridiculous. I couldn't go anywhere with Teddy without someone stopping us and more often than not, drooling over her.

Teddy looks to me for my reaction but I raise my eyebrows at her defiantly, nope I'm not giving you the satisfaction of my response.

"Thanks" she replies turning back "it's great to meet a fan" she says returning the compliment and she smiles and her dimples pop and the shop assistant looks as if she may pass out. I couldn't blame her, Teddy's dimples were an instant way to drop a girls walls and her pants in one pop.

"A month is perfect" Teddy says and she takes her card out of her pocket "lock it in" she directs handing the card over. "This kid is going to be out on good behaviour in three months"

The assistant laughs, the kind you know is louder to stroke the ego of the person telling it. I sigh and turn to walk away. I couldn't handle another second of it.

I take a step, Teddy's fingers catch my wrist and she gently pulls me back to her side and looks to me with raised eyebrows "don't be jealous" she whispers as the assistant walks away to get the paperwork.

"I'm not" I whisper back. Lie. Her lips lift into a knowing smile.

The assistant comes back and hands Teddy the paperwork with the delivery information. "What are you having" she asks me.

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