Chapter 3

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Jane and Alex entered Mr. Smith's office. It was spotless and filled with expensive furniture. Mr. Smith was waiting for them with his elbows resting on his table and fingers intertwined. "Mr and Miss Johnson. May I help you?" he asked in his ominous voice.

"Sir, um we would like to quit," started Jane, "It's not because of you or the association, it's just the job and what we are tasked to do- not any personal task, but just everyday.....," said Jane, beating herself inside her mind for not being able to form the right words. Alex helped her, "What we are trying to say is that we are very grateful to you for giving us an opportunity to work here when we were in a difficult situation, but I hope you understand that this job is not for us."

"I do understand that this job is not for you, Miss Johnson, because bringing in Ms. Samantha Grace was a test of your loyalty to me. I can't work with employees who don't trust me. And I know Miss Johnson hated the job from the beginning. But why do you want to quit, Alex?"

Alex looked a bit perplexed at the question, "Um, the same reasons as Jane. I want to live the life of a normal person and I-"

"If you wanted a normal life you wouldn't have intentionally killed someone, now would you?" interrupted Mr. Smith.

"That was because you assigned us-," started Alex.

"No, I'm talking about before I offered you this job," stated Mr. Smith.

Alex's face grew pale white. Jane was very shocked and confused, she asked Alex, "Wha-what is he talking about?" Alex didn't budge or look at her. He was glaring at Mr. Smith with unwavering eyes. "Allow me to explain Miss Johnson. Your parent's death wasn't just a car accident. It was a planned murder. I think you know that your mother was a former FBI agent. She made many enemies in her line of work. One of them was Mr. Garrick, whose son was accidentally shot by your mother instead of taken into custody. He disabled the car brakes before your parents and little sister went on that trip. Alex found this out, and he murdered Mr. Garrick in cold blood. That's why I recruited him after I heard what he had done at such a young age."

Jane's head was spinning, her parents were murdered.....and Alex? No, Alex wouldn't do such a thing. "Alex, tell me he's lying," she managed to stutter in a shaky voice.

Alex didn't say anything- he just looked away. Jane couldn't hold back the tears. She couldn't believe that her brother could do something like this, it was as if she didn't know who her brother was anymore.

"Such a talented and remarkable young man," continued Mr. Smith, clearly enjoying this, "I have never seen anyone else enjoy violence like you."

"I-don't-enjoy-killing," Alex said through gritted teeth.

"You don't have to lie to yourself, Alex. You don't have to force yourself to feel remorse or regret for people who deserve to suffer. I know that this job has helped you to find an outlet for your rage-"

"SHUT UP!" Alex yelled at Mr. Smith, punching his table. Then in a low voice, he said, "Just stop talking." Jane never saw Alex act out like this, it was almost scary. She couldn't handle this anymore. She opened the door and stormed out of the office. Alex wanted to go after her but Mr. Smith held him back, "She can quit her job, but you can't. If you do, I'll make sure she dies like your poor parents. See you tomorrow, Mr. Johnson, have a good day."

Alex looked at him with a clenched jaw, and he also stormed out of the office. 


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