The Passing of the Olympic Torch

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*Sniffs the air* It is time.........



It’s such an odd and unfamiliar word in the mouth of any Greek demigod, it’s not in their dictionary or vocabulary. For eons demigods have fought with every fiber of their being, every drop of their blood, and by the skin of their teeth to make it through another night. The inability to sit still yet knowing everything that surrounds them is a trait passed down through blood, split or not. For millennia the very idea of putting down roots and making a life for themselves seemed unattainable.

Enter Percy Jackson. Who, at age 12, became the center and the face of change at Camp Half-Blood. His first day of even knowing his heritage he slayed the minotaur, a feat only Theasus and himself could lay claim to. Then of course came the great prophecy, from its place buried deep beneath lies it grabbed Percy by the throat and never let go. For the next five years no one at Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter had any sense of peace or normality. 

But everything has an end, its string finally cut. After the Great War and the Apollo incident both camps began to settle down. That didn’t mean things could go back to the way they were. There was a much needed change, for both camps. Annabeth took the forefront of this effort, an architect at heart she was able to design new cabins, temples, and statues for every God. It didn’t matter if they were major or minor, everyone was included. She was also able to link the two camps via an underground system of magically powered railways. Leo helped a lot on the mechanical side of things, the greek fire powered trains were a great example of that.

The remaining members of the 7 great warriors of the gods were finally able to retire, even Jason from his place in the underworld. (Don’t worry Nico visits all the time.) It was very homey down underneath the ground, Jason lived in his own little home. It reminded the boy of the cabin for his father’s Greek counterpart back at Camp Half-Blood. Life was good, there were no wars or monsters to worry about. The most Jason worried about these days is what color his Laurel was going to be for the day. It did get lonely though, Jason often found himself longing for his friends company or to be back on the Argo II sailing into a new adventure. He felt empty and unfulfilled, Nico often reassured him that it was okay if he wanted to choose reincarnation.

But Jason knew that the rest of his friends had met their soulmates and would not choose to reincarnate, so instead he decided to wait however long it took for his friends to meet him in Elysium. His friends were heroes, if not more so, just like Jason so he knew that they would all make it to Elysium. Well, Leo’s life choices have been questionable……nah he’d be fine.

Percy and Annabeth found their happy endings after many, many years of hardship. Both graduated from college, Annabeth with a degree in Architecture and Percy with a degree in Marine Biology. The couple had chosen to settle in New Rome alongside the rest of their friends; it was more suited for the lives of adults. It was modern and classic at the same time which pleased Annabeth’s need for a lovely view and Percy’s need to be able to have access to coffee.

They had a lovely house right in the heart of the city while the rest of their friends lived next to them, the area was dubbed the Hero’s village and thus no one else moved in near them. Percy and Annabeth were often spotted walking along the riverbanks and in the parks, their hands were always intertwined. Soft silver rings adorned each person’s ring finger, they hadn’t bothered with engagement rings. 

However while everyone else seemed to live in New Rome Nico and Will stayed behind at Camp Half-Blood, neither one could bear to leave it no matter how hard they tried. A small cabin near the top of the hill had been built just for them, Annabeth herself designed it. They had taken up the mantle as camp leaders, they were the ones cabin counselors came to when they needed help. They also happily train the next generation of demigods, they did make sure to put a 17 year old age cap on who could go on quests. Nico ran the athletics, training, and fighting side of camp while Will ran the extracurriculars, archery, and healing side of camp. Will was also sure to make a rule that you had to be 18 or older to be head of the infirmary, now that demigods lived that long.

Their goals were to ensure the futures and happiness of all of the campers, which meant making it a whole lot harder to get into trouble. Young children would never be forced to take on the responsibilities of an adult due to their siblings dying in a war. Quests and prophecies were forbidden unless you were 16 or older, this caused a bit of backlash in the beginning. The two were trying to keep the youth as untraumatized as possible, so if a few campers were unhappy about having to wait to put their lives in danger then sue them.

It was pretty much smooth sailing from there, well it was up until a few days ago when some blonde kid came running up the hill screaming bloody murder before passing out at Will’s feet. It was definitely an experience, there really wasn’t anything wrong either. The satyr occupaning him was perfectly alright, the duo had only run into a few hell hounds. But clearly it was enough to scare the kid half to death. 

Said kid then stayed passed out in the infirmary for an entire week, however when he did wake up he could barely sit still long enough for Will to give him the okay. So now Nico was sitting at the campfire as this kid’s chaperone, apparently he was a danger to himself and needed to stay in Nico’s line of sight the entire day. What made this experience even worse was that he could literally feel Percy creeping up behind him, Nico rolled his eyes at his friend’s antics. Nico had notified the son of Poseidon about the boy due to his entry to the camp being very familiar. Percy had immediately been intrigued and booked it down to camp to meet this rascal. Now Percy was right behind the son of Hades, and the blonde kid by extension, with a water bucket in his hands. Nico had grown used to his pranks and knew that Percy would dry him off almost immediately.

It was still a shock when the ice cold water made contact with him, the blonde kid clearly thought so too because he nearly jumped a foot in the air the second a single droplet hit his skin. Percy and Nico were nearly dying of laughter, but the camp remained silent. Noticing the lack of humor around them the two boys turned to look at the blonde kid. Who stood completely dry. Nico felt his jaw drop and his eyes widen. He pointed to the kid and turned to look at Percy, “Did you do that?” Percy shook his head, whatever was happening to the kid to keep him dry was not Percy.

“Why’s everyone staring at me like that?” The kid asked, his tone reminded Nico of younger Percy. But before anyone could even utter a word the boy was bathed in an ocean green light, the light was one that Percy knew all too well.. The symbol of Posiden’s trident illuminated the night sky, Percy’s breath was knocked right out of his chest as he stared at the fading image.

“Percy……” Nico trailed off, “I think you have a new brother.” He continued eying the boy in confusion, who to be fair also looked really confused. Percy wanted to reply with something along the lines of, yeah no shit Nico.

Instead Percy turned to the blonde and looked him up and down before questioning him, “Hey kid, what's your name?” Percy asked. He was really hoping the kid wasn’t named something lame like Chad or something, he really didn’t want a brother named Chad.

“It’s Walker,” the kid answered earnestly, “Walker Scobell.”

“Well Walker,” Percy clapped a hand on the boy’s shoulder, who flinched in surprise. “I’m Percy, your new brother. How about I show you around camp?”

A dawn of a new day and the rising of a new era.


I think in light of knowing who Percy Jackson will be in the new series I owe y'all a chapter.

I wrote this in like an hour so it's not the best but jts better than the rest of the book THAT I WROTE IN 6TH GRADE.

Make sure to take care of yourselves <3

And as always:

Be gay, do crime

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