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"Amara, no." He said firmly, narrowing his eyes. "Why? Why not? I deserve an answer, Judd Birch!" She screamed. "Because we were literal children, you weird ass bitch! I wasn't ready and neither were you! I'm hardly ready now!" He yelled back. That's fair, I thought to myself. She rolled her eyes in response. "Is she even really pregnant?" I couldn't help but laugh at that, causing her to glare at me now.

Leah stepped in front of me, a sickly sweet smile plastered across her face. "Hi, Amara. Are you really still upset over a middle school relationship?" She asked, pouting slightly. "That's so weird, oh my god." She giggled, covering her mouth. "Sounds like you wanted to baby-trap him. Eww!" Amara's face flushed. She went completely silent as she rang up all of our items.

Leah and I quietly chatted amongst ourselves, giggling every so often. Judd offered to carry the bags so Leah and I could go on out to the car. I took my seat in the passenger, Leah in the back. The two of us continued to gossip until Judd got into the truck. He thought stuff like that was stupid, he was above it all. Leah and I exchanged looks while stifling our laughter.

The ride home was uneventful and kind of quiet. "I got a few extra things," Judd said after a bit. I looked over at him, tilting my head to the side. "Fluffy socks with those grippy things that you like so much, pajama sets - your current size and several more in sizes going up all the way to maternity, matching pajamas and gender neutral outfits for us and baby, a few more snacks." He added with a shrug. My face flushed. So he was more excited than he let on. Judd truly was an enigma.

Leah helped him carry in all of the bags. I offered to carry a few but she shut me down relatively quickly and waved me away. I took a seat on the couch and nuzzled into the back. I sighed softly, glancing up at the ceiling. I shifted my gaze to Elliott, watching as he carried in a trashcan and sat it down next to me. He sat down next to me with a large smile that almost took up his entire face. "Dylan, I just wanted you to know how happy we are to have you in our family. Nicky doesn't say it but I know he loves you as much as the rest of us do." He said as he wrapped his arms around me, giving me a gentle squeeze.

I was speechless. Elliott was always very affectionate and loving but I hadn't expected that. "We see you as one of our own and-" He paused, his eyes welling up with tears. "I know Judd is crazy about you. He doesn't express himself like you or I do, but it's easy to see." It was quiet for a moment while I tried not to cry myself. "I love you, Elliott." I replied with a smile. He politely excused himself and stood. Slipping out of the room. He didn't make it down the hallway before I heard him begin sobbing.

I pushed myself off the couch, my stomach cramping and my head throbbing. I crept up the stairs and glanced towards Nick's room, furrowing my eyebrows. I shrugged and opened his door without saying a word. "Dylan? Are you okay?" He asked. I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. I gave him a small squeeze. "I love you, Nicky. You're such a cool little dude."

The silence was deafening when I left. Then Jay started. He tried to convince Nick I had feelings for him and other bullshit. It was kind of funny, honestly. 

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