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The neon lighting and the mahogany walls made Aadhya's eyelids heavy. Rock n' Roll had a Rat Pack vibe, accentuated by the bow-tie-wearing servers and lampshade table lights. Sinking lower on the couch, she cupped her drink with both hands.

"So why exactly are you marrying him again?" The alcohol provided her no insight into this question, so she figured she'd ask the source. "Kamal doesn't even look that handsome."

"He isn't that bad," Reena says indifferently with a languid sip of her drink. And Aadhya suddenly remembered how Reena always seemed the unflappable sort - the type who can survive the worst day of her life with a sip of tea and a self-deprecating chuckle. So really, though, Aadhya shouldn't be that surprised to hear such a casual response.

Still, she couldn't let it go. "Bad!" Aadhya scoffs, downing her drink, letting her tipsiness linger. "He looks like one of those disturbing Picasso paintings." Reena shakes her head, chuckling as though her mind just showed her a clear image of Aadhya's description.

"But take Rocky, for example -" After all, she cannot let go of the opportunity even if she hears Reena's long-suffering sigh at his mention. "Individually, his features aren't much attractive, I agree. But as a whole, he is ruggedly elegant. Like how when you step back from a Monet and all the paint strokes blend into a masterpiece."

"I am not really sure about that. But okay, since you are so hell-bent on this guy, tell me why you think he's perfect, or at the very least better than Kamal," Even though her expression was flat, Reena's tone was indulging like she was talking to a child. A very drunk child.

"I am not telling you he's perfect," Aadhya shakes her head firmly as the room takes a lazy spin. Reena was her sister, and you shouldn't lie to your family about these things. "He is arrogant, self-centered, and obtuse. And he always says things that will get under my nerves. Life and Death are an absolute joke to him, especially his," Aadhya makes a mental inventory of Rocky's unfavorable qualities with vicious criticism. "And most importantly, he's a killer. But-" The fire in her voice recedes when she remembered the time he stopped the traffic trying to help a complete stranger.

"But that's not to say he doesn't have a sense of morality. He does. He knows where to draw the line. And that makes him different than the people around us. I know underneath all that bravado, he has a good heart. I also know he suffered more than I can ever understand. And every time I think about all the things Rocky had to do to survive since childhood, I find myself thrust into a timeless, spiraling void where I drown in helplessness, unable to do anything."

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