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Her day went by typically — well, as typical as one's life could get when living in a fictional world — until a few burly looking men barged into the restaurants where Aadhya was spending her time with Reena and her friends. They didn't touch a single hair of her, but they put a gun to Reena's head and asked Aadhya to come along with them in such a polite way that Aadhya wondered if she had portal led into another world without even knowing it.

A white Ford was waiting for her outside. One of the guys, most likely the leader of two dozen thugs, held the car doors open and waited for her to sit patiently with his head bowed. They looked more like Z category security escorts than kidnappers at that point. The tremors in Aadhya's body receded when she felt like they wouldn't do her any harm.

Well, not until she does something monumentally stupid, that is.

So even when her guts screamed for her to jump off the vehicle or steer the driver's wheel to cause a distraction, the dark-haired girl has Slytherin's sense of preservation to stay put. A 130-pound sarcastic girl against a group of 30 people armed with guns. Yeah, the odds were not in her favour.

They never were.

It took them more than an hour to reach their destination. After seeing the place in the movie more than a dozen times, Aadhya immediately knew where they were heading. Rocky, her mind whispers. She wrung her hands together, kneading them tightly now and then as anxiety rose in her veins.

Aadhya didn't know how he was doing. She learned from her sister, every now and then, about Rocky's position — that her boyfriend was alive, and the plan was still moving forward, which the younger girl already knew. But what she doesn't know is about what happened to Rocky after he killed Garuda.

Because she never got to see Chapter 2.

And for the first time after coming to this world, Aadhya had once again remembered how bitter and daunting it was to live a life with a future you are no longer certain. When she heard her friends at university pining over their long distanced boyfriends, Aadhya didn't understand it. Surely there were things to do in the world that didn't revolve solely around a guy.

But then it happened to her, and she realised she was not any different from those girls at all. His absence was like a fresh bruise, one she prodded daily. There hasn't been a single day she didn't think about him. She couldn't even stop if she wanted to. Not when the weight of his amulet lay heavy on her chest while his photograph lay hanging on the white walls of her bedroom.

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