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Melody fucked Alexander until they both came, hard, Melody collapsing into Alexander's back as his body fell forward into the bed as he clutched at the covers. His mouth open in a silent scream as his orgasm pulsed through his entire body in a way he had never experienced before. Melody had practically fallen asleep on his back after coming with him. It had taken a lot of energy to set all this up, to spank and fuck him with the stamina of a shifer when she was only human. On top of doing all of this after she had been out with friends for the first time in her life last night. She was spent, she had given her all.

Alexander was jubilant as he carefully moved, catching Melody before she even woke and carried her in his arms to the bathroom. He sat them both down on the floor, He turned on the hot water in the bath until he felt the claw foot tub start to warm beside him. Then he adjusted the cold until the water would be comfortable for Melody. As the bath filled, he slowly started to undress his queen.

Carefully peeling the stockings from her legs, one at a time. Her upper thighs and hips had silvering stretch marks that started to appear first when James was almost ready to be born. She had hated them. But Alexander had loved watching her swell with his child. Her hips and curves were everything he wanted. They consumed his thoughts when he was turned on. How his hands moved over her body, the feel of her skin under his hands.

His fingers untied the laces of her corset, one she had made herself. She had grown her skills as a seamstress since he had first met her, and she had been an obvious talent then. All she was left wearing was the see through lace bodysuit. He wasn't able to get hard, not again yet anyways. But the sight of her body in the black lace stirred him enough to wish he could try.

Instead he peeled the lace from her body, careful to hold her steady and safe in his arms as he worked. He carried her into the filling tub with him. She sighed, a content happy sound as the warm water lapped at her skin. Alexander grabbed a washcloth, and softly rinsed the sweat and cum from both their bodies. He pulled the chain on the tub stopper with his toes when he was done, standing, and lifting Melody out of the water. Holding her with one arm, he grabbed a towel with the other, doing his best to dry them both with her balanced in his arms.

He took Melody to the bed, tucking her under the covers. Removing the topmost blanket they had soiled and replacing it with one fresh from the linen closet. He stoked the fire up, and added two extra logs, before he slipped into bed behind Melody, wrapping his tiny human in his arms as she snuggled into him and fell even more deeply asleep.

Alexander kissed the back of her head. Whispering a thank you into her hair, before joining her in the most peaceful sleep he had enjoyed in months.

The next morning Alexander awoke to the smell of baking and bread. Melody was in the kitchen, wearing a dressing gown, and nothing more. She turned around, a novelty "Kiss the Chef" apron protecting her favorite silk robe as she cooked a perfect breakfast, eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns, fried ham and sausages; a spatula in her hand as she cocked her hip out to the side, seductively showing off her curves.

She smiled at him, the big one, the one where he knew she felt happy from her head to her toes. He hadn't seen it in a long while. He wanted more of that smile. "Good morning!" She beamed at him before turning to tend to the several pans she had going on the stove. Humming to herself as she made them breakfast.

Alexander walked to her, pressing his body up against her backside, forming his body around her curves as his arms wrapped around her waist. He had to curve his spine and bend down to be low enough, but it was worth it to be so close to her.

He kissed along her ear and down her neck, nibbling on his mark. Feeling how it immediately sent a thrill of arousal through her body. "We don't want burnt bacon." She teased him, craning her neck to catch his mouth with hers and steal a kiss, before breaking it before he was ready to flip the sausages.

"I think we can multitask..." His voice low, as Alexander growled in her ear. Making her shiver while one of his hands snaked, underneath the apron and through the center opening on the silk dressing gown. Smiling when he confirmed that she was indeed, perfectly naked underneath. His palm skimmed down her belly, to cup her mound before her breath hitched as he touched her clit for the first time. His hand went lower, his longest finger dipping into her core to steal some of her honey to drag it towards her clit as he made figure eight patterns over her sensitive flesh.

Melody's knees buckled as Alexander continued to fuck her with his fingers. "Breakfast..." she panted before her voice broke into a moan as he slipped two fingers inside her while his thumb continued to apply pressure to her clit.

"I think you can do both" He purred in her ear, his body holding her up as he dragged an orgasm from her body. Leaving her breathless as their scrambled eggs got a few crunchy edges.

Melody was slick between her thighs and weak in the knees as Alexander stopped supporting her. She wondered where he went, until she felt the back of her robe fly upwards, and Alexander was suddenly kneeling behind her, his nose in her ass, as he started to lick her pussy clean.

Melody again, felt her knees quake under his expert tongue as she panted out "Alexander!"

He smiled into her cunt, her scent filling his head, leaning back just long enough to say "The eggs already looked a little over, don't burn the bacon Melody." He teased before continuing to eat her pussy like it was the real breakfast.

He smiled into her cunt as he felt Melody try and stand taller on shaky legs, felt as her body tried to move to flip the various breakfast components she had in pans.

Alexander heard and felt one of her palms hit the counter, as she braced herself. She was close, he could feel it ring through the bond. She was saying his name like a prayer. Alexander wanted her to cum hard, he sucked her clit into his mouth, nipping with his teeth as he plunged two fingers inside her channel hooking up to engage her most sensitive parts.

Melody came with a gush in his mouth. He licked her clean, before standing behind her again, and letting her lean against him, while she served the full breakfast onto two plates. Alexander chuckled as he picked Melody up and carried her back to the bed, returning to the kitchenette to grab the two plates, as well as two glasses of orange juice he poured himself from the fridge and carried them to the bed where Melody was propped up on the pillows against the head board.

"Breakfast in bed for Mi'lady." He presented his offerings with a flourish.

"Does it count as breakfast in bed if I cooked it?" She asked him, eyes sparkling.

"You are in bed, and here it was served" he countered with what he hoped was his most charming smile. He was still wearing the collar she had put on his throat. He felt it as he smiled, neck muscles flexing. He liked wearing her collar. A token of her bond with him. Maybe not one he would wear out, but moments like this. He was hers, always and forever. He liked having ways to show it.

Melody shrugged, already diving into her breakfast. Alexander smiled, his girl loved to eat. She had to, to keep up with shifters all the time. But honestly an underfed Melody was a scary Melody. That Melody could conquer nations with rivers of blood. Thankfully, His pack was well off, and food was easy to obtain. All the better for the rest of the world

Alexander and Melody snuggled, under the covers, side to side and pressed together as they ate their breakfast. Not caring if they got crumbs in the sheets, because they wouldn't be sleeping here tonight. Just enjoying the quiet sounds of logs burning down in a fire, birds in the trees outside, their own heart's beating in time with each other. Talking about their family, Melody's plans for the future, if she was going to take a job in the city and how that would work.

When Melody reached a natural lull in conversation, Alexander felt the words he had hidden in his heart bubble up through his throat before he could stop them. Like this moment was too real for him to hide anything from Melody any longer. "I don't think I want to be Pack Alpha" Alexander said softly. Making the previously comfortable silence as they ate, tense as his words hung in the air. Melody thinking on what she had heard while Alexander worried about what he had finally said out loud.

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