|Chapter 20|

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Xander's POV ~

I watched as our family doctor worked around her. I was sweating uncontrollably from the stress. I didn't notice I was crying until my dad didn't come to hug me and his shirt was wet from my tears.

"Босс, мне нужно, чтобы вы все вышли, чтобы мы могли начать операцию. Пуля все еще в ее теле." The nurs said to us as doctor Har began putting up everything he needed to cut someone.

Translation ~ |Boss, I need you all to come out so we can start the operation. The bullet is still in her body.|

I didn't move. I was glued to that spot in the room. Just watching her lifeless body stay on the bed.

I was being pulled out of the room and in to the hallway. The second the door of the clinic closet I broke down. I dropped on my knees and began crying again. My shoulders fell up and down as my sobs filled the quite hallway.

I looked up and saw Lisa crying the same as me, but she was leaned on the wall. I looked to my father and saw him silently crying while his face was stone cold.

I wiped my eyes and stood up. Lisa and my dad looked at me as I passed by them and began walking down the hall. I felt a hand on my shoulder which turned me around. I was met with my father's face as Lisa looked at me from behind him.

"Where in the fucking hell do you think you're going while Vic is in that room in surgery?!" I gave him a blank look before moving his hand away from my shoulder.

"I'm going to find out who are those fuckers that shot her." I began walking away again but I saw one of the guys running towards us. I stopped in my tracks and watched him run until he was directly in front of me.

"Босс, мы выяснили, кто стрелял в мисс Блэк." Our eyes went wide as we heard what he said. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards me.

Translation ~ |Boss, we found out who shot Ms. Black.|

"Who is it and where are they?!" I yelled in his face. He visibly shrinked as I yelled in his face. He started trembling so I let him back on his feet. I took a step back with my hands up.

"У нас их пятеро. Двое из них стреляли в мисс Блэк." I tried to relax so I wouldn't attack the poor guy for info.

Translation ~ |We have five of them. Two of them shot at Ms. Black.|

"Which cell are they in?" Lisa asked in a calm tone. Oh fuck. When she's pissed and she talks calm there will be a few bodies.

He quickly told us the cell number those fuckers were in and we hurried to them. When we got to the basement we passed a few cells and heard a few screams coming from them. Finally we stoped in front of the last cell.

The guard opened the door for us and we got in. Their hands were tied in chains that was hanging from the ceiling. They were already bruised and a little blood was in them. Two of them had X spray painted on them in red.

When they looked up at us I saw fear in their eyes. I smirked and took a step forward. They started to pull on the chains and thrashing around while trying to get as far away as possible from us.

"No, no no no no! We were made to do it! Please, don't!" One of them yelled. I looked at the two who had X on their chest and saw them smirk at me. I tilted my head to the side and gave him a questioning look.

"How's that bitch we shot? Hmm?" One of them said. The other one laughed before speaking.

"Hope she's ok..." He said in mocking simpathy. I was furious. I walked towards the one on the left while Lisa walked towards the one on the right. When I punched him Lisa punched the other one at the same time.

"Я буду наслаждаться, слушая твои крики боли, когда я буду вскрывать тебя. Я буду смеяться, когда ты будешь плакать и умолять меня убить тебя."

Translation ~ |I will enjoy listening to your screams of pain as I cut you open. I will laugh when you cry and beg me to kill you.|

I looked at Lisa and she gave me a nod. I nodded back before walking towards the table at the side and choosing what to use while we play with them.

For start I decide on a small knife. I tossed one to Lisa dn took one for myself. I walked back towards the guy I punched and began carving things in to his chest.
He immediately started screaming. I smiled wickedly. Music to my ears.

We enjoyed driving them to the verge of death and bringing them back. Of course the other three didn't go unmissed.

When we were done we walked back out of the basement. When the basement door closed behind us I asked my dad how much did we spent on them. He said about five hours.

We began walking back towards the clinic and talking about some of the future plans. When we reached the door we came in and saw our doctor doing cpr on Vic. I looked towards the monitor by her bed and saw straight lines. Nothing.

I looked back at her and saw Vic lying there but unmoving. Her whole body and face paled and she had tubes sticking out of her mouth and by her side.

I stay glued to that spot until my dad didn't drag me back outside. The door closed in my face as I was still unmoving. My baby was in there. Fighting for her life. And I couldn't do anything to help her.

We were left to stand outside of her hospital room again as they tried to save her life.

Hey guys!
Sorry for the short chapter.
How did you like it?
Any prediction for the next one?
Hope you a enjoyed.
Bye guys! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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