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I know it seems soon but that was all in the past. It's now five years later. Five years since I destroyed Romano's with the files. Five years since they fell apart because of those files. Five years since I took over the Spanish Mafia from them.

I don't know where they are today or even if they are alive at this point. But honestly, I don't care.

Since I took over the Spanish Mafia I was crowned the Mafia Queen. Around the same time all that happened Xan also took over his father's Mafia. He is also crowned the Mafia King. So, we are the Mafia King and Queen.

Did I mention that he finally proposed? Oh, he did. Now on my left hand is a beautiful diamond ring and on my right is the same promise ring he gave me when we started dating.

Lisa started dating a girl from the Greek Mafia, Aphrodite. They are dating for about two months and they are already living together at some house they bought together.

Today is the day that my beautiful engagement ring will be replaced by a wedding ring.

I'm currently sitting in my changing room at the salon where the reception will be as people work on my hair and make up. There are people running around checking last minute details.

I'm looking at myself in the mirror and I can't believe I'm the same girl that the other day cuddled with her boyfriend and now I'm getting married to that same boyfriend.

I can't believe I'm the same girl that the other day just started destroying the Romano's and today I'm ruling the Spanish Mafia.

I'm the same girl that the other day was two and abounded with nothing and today I'm the fucking Mafia Queen and I'm getting married to my Mafia King.

"All done my Queen." My close friend Elite said as she finished working on my hair. I looked at the mirror and saw my beautiful long hair and perfect make up..

I smiled at my looks and thanked everyone. They all left me alone and I just sat there in the chair and thought. I was brought back from my day dream by Lisa bursting through the door.

She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw me sitting in the chair. Her eyes were getting glossy and she quickly looked up while mumbling something about a 20 dollar mascara.

I laughed as she began waiving at her eyes with he hands. She stopped as she composed her eyes and glared at me.

"You look like a Queen you are." She said as she smiled at me. I smiled back at her and stood up. She looped her arm around mine and we walked out of the room.

As we began getting closer I saw Ros standing with his back turned to us. I looked at Lisa questioningly.

"He wanted to have a first view moment." She whispered in my ear.

The fact brought a smile to my face. We stopped right behind him, a few feet back. Lisa cleared her throat to say we're here.

I watched as he turned around and looked at me from head to toe. At first I thought I did something wrong or something looked wrong but then I saw a tear escaping his eye.

He smiled sweetly at me and offered me his arm to loop my hand through. I let go of Lisa and looped arms with Ros.

As I looked back at Lisa she gave me a bouquet she carried as my maid of honor. She had one for herself as well as the rest of the maids. They are a little smaller than mine but similar enough.

Lisa walked away from us towards the two big double doors. I watched as the door opened and closed behind her. Ros turned towards me so we were looking at each other.

"If my idiot of a son gives you trouble you have my permition to shoot him. But not somewhere vital like the heart or lungs. Shoot arms and legs." He nodded his head at himself as I laughed. I loved that he literally told me to shoot his only child if he anoys me.

I quickly gave him a hug and he hugged me back as fast. As I rested my head on his shoulder he whispered in my ear.

"Just don't shoot his dick. I want grand kinds." I felt my cheeks reddening. When we pulled away I looked away from him and heard him laugh at the new color of my skin.

As he still laughed we heard the traditional here comes the bride song starting to play. We looped hands again and I took a deep breath before the two huge doors were opened in front of us.

As we walked down the aile I focused only on the men at the alter. I felt eyes on my skin as I moved but I didn't pay attention to them. When we stopped in front of Xan, they did their hand shake and Ros whispered something in his ear that I couldn't hear but by Xan's reaction I can tell he threatened him, again.

I'll skip all the formalities and begin telling you about the most magical kiss ever. As we kissed my hands were behind his neck. One of his hands was on the smaller of my back while the other one wrapped my right leg over his waist as he dipped me back. I heard everyone applaud as we shared our first kiss as husband and wife.

Victoria and Xander Romano-Dobrov. I wanted to keep my last name because it's Italian but still wanted to have his last name as well. So we came up with Romano-Dobrov.

When he put me back on my feet and we looked over the crowd he leaned down and whispered in my ear so only I could hear.

"I'm going to taste every inch, every curve and every dip on your body. I'll pound in your tight little pussy until you beg me to make you cum all over my cock. I'll taste you on every place in the house. And I can go all night long like that baby." His raspy voice breathed in my ear.

I chlenched my legs together as I put on a polite smile for people who congratulated us as we passed by. I felt hot all over just by his words. I cannot wait for him to fulfill his words.

When the time came to throw the bouquet with some luck Lisa was the one to catch it. I looked over at Aphrodite as her face was getting redder and redder by the second. We all laughed as she tried to hide her face behind the glass of champagne.

The rest of the night was spend while dancing and singing along the loud music. I was the happiest women that day. I can't believe I married my best friend and boyfriend at the same time.

Oh, and... He did keep up his words.

Her dress~

This is the end.
Hope you all enjoyed reading.
If you have any thoughts feel free to comment it.
Thank you all for supporting Hermana till the end.
Love you all.
Bye guys! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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