The Final Day

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Leech enters the room to see Reacher, organizing a bunch of files, a wet brown trenchcoat hung over a chair that was beside her as she wipes the table with tissues

Turning around to the sound of the wooden creaking door opening, she greets Leech

"Busy day."

Now looking down as while picking up takes a box full of files and hands it to 1-2

"That and this are all of the SMU personnel we will be using in the op tomorrow. You will be filling them in on the mission. However 75th Rangers will not be present and are currently stationed in Freiya. All ranger files are squad leaders." Reacher explains, Leech nods before taking a random file and opening it, Reacher takes another box and hands it to Leech who one handed placed it beside the first

"First SFOD.. E-Seven. Montgomery Breen." Leech turns a page to see the history of the Delta Force sergeant, he then places the folder down and sits on the chair, there he unpacks the two boxes of files

"I'll read these over," Leech says to Reacher who nods, she looks at the clock

"Three hours until the briefing, you have enough time to make it." Reacher then gives a short goodbye with a wave before leaving the room

Leech looks around, the old style walls with the 40s look made it seem he was at some sort of historical set recreation, but it was mostly real, instead of the bland but useful metal desks back in Freiya, it was wood, clearly in good condition but various scratches indicate whoever used this workplace was bored

Leech then pushes Montgomery's file away before reaching deep into one of the two boxes

He opens the second file, where he sees the photo of a woman in formal uniform, to his short surprise, she belonged to the 75th Ranger Regiment, sure, women had been able to join the military for a long time by now, but seeing a girl int hr 75th impressed Leech, he hasn't been ranger certified but he had heard from one of the members of SOG Team 1, or specifically, Wesley, that it was tough

I mean, the military was tough, and Leech was sure to not underestimate the rest, but he then checks the file

Corporal Ava Shaw, graduated from RASP flawlessly, although lacking in the last few places due to male counterparts on the force but still impressive, and has still completed continued training for another two years, 27 years old

With that done, Leech places the file on top of the Delta Force operator, he digs through it before grabbing another one, there he places it into the table, and opens it

Mitch Contreras, Air Force TACP soldier in the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, has enlisted with his brother, who is in the Coast Guard. Fought in the Second Afghan Insurgency too. But said brother was killed in the Bloody Wave

Leech places the third file with the others before digging again, going to be a long three hours, he should really get one of the guards outside to get him some coffee, but he had more important work to be done right now

Fourth File, bingo.

Seal Team Six, Gold Squadron, Senior Chief Petty Officer Keegan R. Maruiz, several years of service in the Navy SEAL's before transfering to DEVGRU itself.

This bundle of soldiers, pilots, or either commisioned officers or NCO's or one that were tough and smart enough to join was promising

Leech rubs his eyes, there he places the fourth file away as this next 2.5 hours were about to be taken over by reading

The Gate to Nowhere

Leech enters the room to see almost nearly 40-50 people in the room, some US Army high ranking officers but mostly those above the ranks of Lieutenants and lower than O-5 pay grade

The Gate to NowhereWhere stories live. Discover now