Chapter Twenty-Three

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Bethany marveled at everything that transpired. So transfixed, Bethany forgot she was in the common hall. Someone had come into the room where they were, but Bethany didn't hear a thing.

"Ronald, how do you fare?" Her fathers voice filled the room.

Wait who?

Bethany swiveled, and came face to face with Ronald. At the sight of him, her heart fluttered irregularly. Though deep down there was an undeniable ache.

She stood right along with her father and mother. Curtsying, she kept her eyes downcast. Unable to make eye contact for fear of what those eyes of his would reveal.

"My dear beloved boy, you must be devastated. I know we all are. Your father was a great king." Bethany's father walked up to Ronald and pulled him into an embrace. That was when she lifted her eyes.

Ronald was perplexed. To say the least. In all the years that Bethany got to know him, she knew he was wondering the same thing. What was Bethany doing embracing the King of Iris just moments prior?

Would he believe her if she told him? She scarcely did believe it herself.

"Thank you. I do very appreciate your kind words. I am quite unsure how to go on, I must admit." With those words his shoulders dropped the slightest bit.

Many times before he would find her, when he was troubled or unsure. And together they would talk for hours until he came to a conclusion.

Bethany's heart squeezed inside of her chest. That was just the reason she had left. She couldn't be a true friend to him while denying her heart.

"You have great advisors, and a mother who has been faithfully by your fathers side throughout all his years. She will do the same for you, I assure you of that."

Ronald appeared to be worn and aged well past his years at this moment. Carrying the weight of this kingdom upon his shoulders.

It was a shock to find that the King had died. Truly. And knowing that he would have to take the position of king much sooner than they thought, it would take its toll upon Ronald.

Indeed it already has. By the looks of his state.

"I hope she does."

Bethany's father patted Ronald upon the back, then looked back at Bethany and her mother. Signaling to the mother with a slight nod, he motioned, and they left. With quiet whispers, they talked until their voices faded.

And suddenly, Bethany found herself alone with him.

"What was that all about?" Ronald asked, the first chance he got.

"I...well, he, how shall I put this..." Bethany stammered for words. She found none worthy to explain what news she had come upon since she saw him last. "I can not begin to explain."

Ronald shifted his weight to his other leg, "Am I missing something here?" He managed to find a small smile.

It was enough to encourage her to form the words to explain it. "Yes. It...well, you see my mother kept my fathers identity a secret from me. Recently I found out who he was, when I ran away. I came home to find him here, explaining this all to me."

He stared at her with eyes full of questions. Then it all made sense, his eyes widened, "He's your-" he turned in the direction the king had left, and back to her. "He's your father! That's-" Ronald stopped, rendered speechless. "Who would've thought?"

He strode to her, and grabbed her by her shoulders. Giving a gentle shake. Bethany let out a small laugh.

"I knew there was a reason for his many visits. Not to mention your likeness to him. It's a wonder we missed that under our noses all this time." His smile slowly faded, as he took a step back.

His voice was most sincere, "I came here to ask you something and was completely caught off guard. Tell me Bethany Bolace, will you stay? Indefinitely?"

Every ounce of her, desired to do so. But it all came back to the day after Lady of Ascott's eruption on her. Running past, she had come upon Ronalds room. She overheard their conversation, and it was sure enough they loved each other. That much was certain when she saw them embracing.

Knowing what she knew, she would be in the way. With her father's blessings, she may settle in the kingdom of Iris, her mother may come with her if her heart desires, and she will make her home there. Far away from Eldore.

Because in the end, no two people were ever more fit to be together than they. Ronald being the loving and loyal man he'd become, and Kathrine being the sweetest most caring, would do well as his wife and most importantly, Queen.

And now that she knew Kathrine to be her half sister, it only made it sweeter. She longed for her to have the best in life.

"For the moment, I will be staying here. But in the near future I plan to make the trip to Iris, where I belong. My father desires I take place in the family, though the kingdom will surely have an uproar, but even so, I can settle down somewhere in the land of Iris. I've heard it's divine. So green, it is quite the splendor to behold." She beamed with excitement, at least appearing to be so.

At these words, Bethany watched his amber eyes fill with sorrow.

"Don't leave. I can't bare another moment without you."

"But that's inappropriate!" Bethany crossed her arms, her emotions getting the best of her. "You are to be wed to Kathrine and I cannot simply be your friend anymore. It would not be proper. What will the kingdom think? That you took a mistress?"

"What? Katherine? Have you not heard the news?" He rolled his eyes and huffed in reply. She did not like this attitude from him nor did she care for it.

"What news?"

"When will it get through to you? I do not wish to marry anyone except you?" He half laughed, half scoffed. "Have I not spoken of my affections to you clearly?"

"What about her? Do you not care for her feelings? She loves you."

"Not in that way. She cares for me, as a friend. She had expressed great relief when I told her of my refusal to our engagement. She was glad. I told my father shortly thereafter." He sighed at those words. Walking to the long bench at the table he sat down. Bethany followed, unsure of what darkness lay behind those last words that caused the shift in him.

Sitting down she waited.

"I told him I would refuse the crown if he did not approve of me marrying you." This made Bethany audibly gasp. "Yeah. I did."

A long while passed before Ronald raised his head. "I feel partly to blame for his passing. But I just received a letter from my father, he wrote before he passed away. He had agreed to our engagement."

Bethany was stunned once more. The King accepted her?

"So will you stay and marry me? You can refuse, after all you now have your duties back in your home country." His eyebrows rose in a pleading manner.

For a moment, Bethany considered refusal. But it was overwhelmingly clear. She would stay. If he would have refused the crown for her, to show his love for her, there would be nothing standing in the way of her accepting.

"I brought you this," he pulled out an old weathered book. The inscription on the book was faded but she could still read the faint title. "Just in case you refused, you know, to remind you of the good times." Giving a small soft chuckle he presented it to her, and Bethany's heart glowed with joy.

"You are so thoughtful. And I would accept, with all my heart." She beamed and embraced him. Her mind raced a million thoughts per minute. Her father was right.

It was only her ignorance that prevented her from seeing the truth. He loved her, and she loved him back unequivocally.

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