Chapter Thirty-One

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Ronald rushed through the doors, not caring to wait for guards to formally announce him. The letter in his hand.

The madness had to end at some point.

Just a day prior, he met with his mother, and they spoke of the opposition from parliament. And how they could solve this issue once and for all. Mother had reminded him that father wrote a letter to him, and asked if he'd shown it to them yet. How could he have forgotten such a thing?

It was this letter that prompted him to erupt into the room without announcement. For it could not wait a single moment more.

He had written proof of blessing from his father, about whom he could marry. Being so caught up in royal obligations and the passing of his father, he had forgotten it entirely.

It was time to settle this once and for all.

Stepping up to the podium, he let the gathered group quiet down before he spoke. The entire gathering now sat in silence, awaiting the explanation for the interruption.

Hushed whispers began to spread across the room. Each one of them wondered what he would say and what was in his hand.

Holding it up, he let everyone see it before he spoke. "This here, members of parliament, is a written letter approving my marriage to Princess Bethany of Iris. If any hath refusal against it, you are refusing the very words of my father!" His voice boomed. He let his words settle. Then he gave it to the first Lord in attendance. "See for yourself that I speak the truth. I will not have your opposition any longer."

There was a flood of questions and he didn't waste his time answering them, instead he made his way out of the room. Every step marked with purpose.

He had somewhere to be. There was an important diplomatic meeting with King Aldway to attend to, and this foolishness was a waste of his time. He left the room, not caring to explain himself any further. For the letter would speak for itself.

Greetings flowed from the king, he embraced him, giving him a clap on his back. "Ronald my boy," He began, despite the fact that he was a king, the king still saw him this way. Though Ronald didn't take offense. Instead he found it rather amusing. "Let us discuss this new idea of yours."

As the meeting went its course, he succeeded in gaining favor with King Aldway. He was far more interested in the trade route than before. Seeing as how beneficial it was for the both of them, they came upon a settlement. Both kingdoms would invest in making a trade route that would connect their two kingdoms for more efficiency.

This was a move in the right direction. Proving to benefit his kingdom without hurting another kingdom.

He was in the middle of explaining the best route would be through the mountains, in the valley, when Henry appeared. Unannounced.

There was a sense of urgency about him. As though he radiated with news that must be dispensed with. Ronald's hand stilled over the map.

The king inquired, "Is something the matter?"

Ronald gave a nod in Henry's direction then turned toward the man beside him. "Your Majesty, I must attend to something, I will be only for a moment." He told him.

The older king nodded, he replied, with a voice gruff from age. "You go right ahead my boy." Giving him a fatherly smile. Ronald was grateful for the trust between the two of them. It gave him much pleasure to know that he saw Ronald in a different light.

"Thank you Sir." He followed Henry out of the room and stood off to the side. "What is it that would prompt you to interrupt this meeting? It better be worth my while." Henry knew how massively important this meeting with King Aldway was.

"Sorry, Your majesty, but I must relay this to you." he said, a bit out of breath. "They have agreed to allow you to marry Bethany! The letter worked!" His face shining at the thrilling news.

"Ha! Henry! This is great news indeed!" Ronald smiled from ear to ear. "Thank you!" He didn't expect such a quick turn around, but was grateful nevertheless.

Before he headed back to the room, he needed to ask Henry to do this one thing for him. "Set up a celebratory dinner for me and Bethany! I shall break the news to her myself!" He clapped him on his back, and once more returned to his meeting.

After he was free, he went up to his quarters to change and freshen up. The meeting went well, only adding to his cheerful mood. When he arrived at the dining room, he found Bethany already there. Sitting with her back to him. He placed a kiss on her hair.

Her breath hitched in surprise, and then she turned to see who had come in without her noticing.

"I have the greatest news to tell you." Ronald grinned.

"What is it?" Excitement flowed through every syllable.

"The letter my father wrote to me before he died, it worked!" He exclaimed, the relief flooded through him.

Ronald sat down at the head of the table with a satisfied sigh.

A wrinkle formed between Bethany's perfectly arched brows. "What letter? And why does it make any difference to those bullheaded men?"

Ronald almost lost it. The way she said it, so sincerely. Laughing, he leaned over the cutlery, and grasped her hand. "This makes all the difference! My father wrote of how he regretted telling me I could not marry you, that I was right. That standing my ground was the one thing he regretted not doing with his own father." There was a flicker of sorrow in his eyes, despite the joyful countenance.

This was something new, something she didn't hear about. He continued on, "He told me that I could marry whomever I wanted. That was signed and sealed by my father. I hadn't thought about it since the day I received it. I got pulled away by kingly duties, and then found out you were King Fredricks daughter. And it wasn't until mother mentioned it that I remembered the letter." He said, once more excitement flooded his face. This indeed, was great news.

"It is such wonderful news! I can scarcely believe it is over. Oh Ronald, I am sorry for what they have put you through for my sake."

His thumb grazed over the top of her hand. "Darling, I would happily do it again in a heartbeat." Placing a kiss on her hand, with the other, he raised the glass that stood to the right of the plate setting. "Let us celebrate this with a toast." He smiled, hinting that it was time to move on and think of the joyous occasion that would be coming up soon.

Instead of the fire they had been through to be together.

With a sigh, she let the past fade in the distance. Like a bad dream. Smiling, she sent a thanks heavenward for that letter. For if it weren't for it, they wouldn't be getting ready for a wedding.

For the first time in all her life, she found herself grateful to King Thomas. Bethany raised her own glass.

Ronald's voice rang with gladness when he spoke. "A toast to new beginnings."

"To new beginnings." Bethany repeated. And just like that with a clink of their glasses, they ushered in a new era.

One that would mark history for this kingdom.

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