Chapter Twenty Seven: I L O

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A/N: Before you read this chapter...who do you think the picture posted as the media is of? Virtual high fives for those who guess right... 

Thieving and breaking out innocent people from a prison were not as different as you might think. Both involved gaining something you shouldn't, and not getting caught.

'We will never get into the prison sitting here and planning,' I said against the shatteringly quiet room. Trying not to meet anybody's eyes, I continued on. 'We must go to the Ruby district, and stakeout our operation there. We need to see this prison and work out a complete plan.'

Before groans of disappointment could rise, I continued on.

'But I do think I have a skeleton of an idea. We need disguises and a small group of brave people. In order to get around without raising suspicion, I thought we could pretend to be travelling performers.'

The fortune telling from the previous night, alongside my memories of the gypsy travellers from my childhood, spurred the idea.

'If we can change our wing colours, that would be even better. We need to be able to set camp close to the prison, and have an excuse to stay there a while. From there, we can watch and wait for the right time.'

I brandished towards Clae.

'My main plan isn't about being travellers. I think we need a scapegoat. There's no way we can break into a high profile prison and escape with lots of high profile prisoners without causing a lot of notice. If we show that we can overcome the King, people will see that he isn't untouchable. To do that, we have to take one of his best pieces. We need to get into the prison and use the commander, our Storm Mage, to look as if he's joined our side.'

'How?' I heard someone say, and I explained, 'Clae's power can be used once to control another Angel, and after it they have no memory of it! If we can isolate guards and control them subtly to gain access to the prison, we might be able to gain access to the Storm Mage and control him!'

A round of cheering errupted from the more awake of the hangovers. Others smiled blearily, acknowledging my idea.

But one person did not.

'We can't use Clae,' Kirsten stood up, her hands pleading. 'She's sick. I know I complain about her, but she's my sister, Lumina. This is putting her in great danger.'

Clae stared at her. 'I am right here, sister. I can make my own decisions.'

Kirsten continued to look at me, as if Clae hadn't spoken. 'She's sick, Lumina. What if she...'

She swallowed visibly, and Clae's expression darkened.

'Are you worried I'll drink again, Kirsten?' Clae said, 'I'll drink, and then who will you have to control the Mage? Luckily, Lumina can steal my power, and return it to me later.'

The girl had stepped forwards, advancing on her younger sister. 'What I object to is not my past- I have been an addict- but the label you will continue to give me, Kirsten. Taking down this King comes before everything, and I will do anything for Lumina to achieve that. You know why?'

Kirsten shook her head as Clae spoke, now inches apart. Each word was said with force, and blew angry air into Kirsten's face.

'You know why, Kirsten? Because of that man, our family from Opal is dead. They were murdered, and our home destroyed. In order to take care of you, I chose to go into prostitution, the only thing that kept my little sister off the streets until she found Morwena.'

Equinox (Book One of the Firebird Chronicles) WATTY AWARD HIDDEN GEM WINNER 2015Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ