Chapter 1: The Darkness

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(This was a collaboration between me and my good friend, Fiona_Callie_Afton!

Prepare for angst!)

Anne Boonchuy. She was just an ordinary girl stuck in another dimension and trying to get least, that's how it started.

Now? She was stuck in a war for both Amphibia and Earth. And if this war was lost, so many other worlds would fall to the same fate.

But, there was only so much a thirteen year-old could handle mentally.

Three stars burning bright,

Have come to expel the Night.

But, only in darkness, can a star burn bright.

What is a star to do when she's lost her light?

Anne gasped as her eyes snapped open, and she flung her upper body upwards, her chest heaving and her heart pounding so fast that she almost felt sick.

Not fully awake, her mind still muddled with the haze of sleep and vague recollections pulling at the edges of her mind, she looked around, her once brown turned blue eyes taking in the room that she didn't remember sleeping in.

But then? A voice suddenly spoke. The voice was distorted, with a deep and high pitched voice speaking all at once. "Good evening, sleeping beauty~"

That voice. Why did it sound so familiar, yet not familiar at all? It wasn't a robot. It couldn't have been. It had genuine emotion in the way it spoke.

She looked around the room, seeing all kinds of strange...banners? It looked like a crown, but with the centerpiece of it being an orange eye.

Orange eye...why did that sound familiar? It shouldn't have been.

Anne's heart picked up its pace, uneasiness crawling into her skin like a disease. Something felt...wrong. She couldn't quite put her finger on it; but something deep inside of her told her that this wasn't right.

Wait...where's Sasha? she realized, the dread growing tenfold as she looked around in a desperate search for her best friend. She couldn't put all of the pieces together yet, but she recalled a distant memory of Sasha telling her that they needed to infiltrate some kind of factory and destroy its systems, putting an end to a quarter of Andrias' robot army- but after that, the rest of her memories were practically an incoherent blur.

"You know, it's rude to ignore us." The voice said again, with another giggle. Whoever it was, they seemed amused.

Anne stumbled over her words for a moment, her tongue feeling like lead, before she managed to get a full sentence out. "Who are you?"

The voice made a fake and dramatic gasp...before the deep part of its voice disappeared, only leaving the normal part. " could you not recognize your own best friend?"

Anne's blue eyes widened and her heart skipped several beats. It almost sounded too good to be true; for all but a moment, she almost thought that she was either dreaming, or that she was seeing and hearing things again, like when she had gone hunting with the Plantars that one time.

"M...Marcy...?" Her voice was nothing but a soft whisper, and even then, it seemed to be loud. So, so loud.

The deep distortion returned to the mysterious one's voice and steps were heard seconds later. Then, out of the shadows walked out...a human. A human girl around Anne's age...but, she definitely didn't look the part.

She wore dark armor with gauntlets, a chestplate with a glowing orange eye right at where her heart would be, and even boots that caused a metal clank whenever she stepped. She wore a long black and crimson cape, which draped onto the floor. And finally, yet most terrifyingly of all?

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