Chapter 6: Trigger

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(So, sometime around June, my co-writer who helps me write every single chapter will be moving! So, we may not be able to write as many chapters as we usually do!)

Darcy's orange eyes were closed on her helmet before they snapped open. She then stood up from her throne, knowing well Anne was asleep in her room.

Their forces were almost ready for invasion, and if Anne was going to be a competent weapon? She'd need to actually be one.

Anne was like a dog right now. She needed to be trained. And the collar didn't work the same as the ones on the wildlife of Amphibia.

It worked through conditioning. It essentially made Anne more...willing to do things she wouldn't normally do.

So, the question remained...what was going to get Anne to the point where she was a weapon? What made Anne so angry that in this mental state, she'd attack whatever Darcy wanted her too?

It hit her...and she grinned wide and quickly walked off deeper into the castle.

This would be fun.

Anne was suddenly awoken by the sound of...screaming. The screams were horrific. Someone was clearly in pain...and it sounded like...


Anne's eyes widened and she threw the blankets off of herself, bolting down the hallway as adrenaline pumped through her veins, heart pounding in her chest. "MARCY?!"

She ran and ran, even faster than she usually would. And when she made it, she saw Darcy hiding behind a table for cover in the dining room.

Dark Frobots were shooting at her, with the table she was using to protect herself most definitely not going to hold for very long.

Anne's eyes widened, and then, an almost feral snarl ripped out of her throat, and she felt an all too familiar sensation running through her body: the heat traveling along her skin as her vision turned blue once more.

Then she roared, the scream echoing through the dining room like a gunshot, and then she ran at inhuman speed, lunging at the Frobots like a tiger lunging at its prey, glowing brighter than ever.

Darcy's eyes were wide as she peeked out, watching Anne completely tear apart the Frobots.

The first Frobot exploded, with Anne going right through it. The second Frobot just started to mindlessly fire around the room, the lasers flying all around the place.

Anne didn't even seem to notice, dodging the lasers in a rapid blur, leaving behind streaks of blue energy as she skidded across the floor, and within seconds, she was grabbing the Frobot by its cannon arm with one hand, the metal creaking and screeching in her hand, before she completely crushed the cannon arm, ripping it off entirely.

The Frobot stumbled backwards, before three more cannons appeared from its back and started firing at Anne.

Darcy pretended to be scared as she slowly crawled out...but, oh, how she was enjoying the show. How all the minds of The Core were enjoying the raw power of the stones that surged through Anne.

The human girl's blue eyes blazed like an inferno, and the rage on her face would have scared even the bravest of souls, as she flew into the air, and then plunged down onto the Frobot like a missile, her fist stretched outwards, and then, with the terrifying crunch of metal being torn through, the Frobot's head was smashed into pieces, and even then, Anne didn't stop.

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