Part 24

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Hello lovelies. So this chapter is gonna have some part about Jordan and Luke. So if you wanna skip to the main part, just skip to ********** . And, enjoy❤️

Alyssa's pov :

The next day was very different, I thought that Luke and Jordan would go back to their old selves, ignore me and just guard me like usual .

But they were actually acting very normal. Luke being the sweet childish one, complimented me on my dress right as I went outside.

" Ooooo, look who's looking cute todayyy. You look pretty in that blue dress. " Luke sing sang.

That made me feel happy, the dress came up to my knees, had full sleeves. It had frills around the collar, at the end of the sleeves and at the hem.

" Twirl Twirl! Give us a twirl girl" he said holding my hand and twirling me while I giggled. Jordan was just silently smiling.

" You look nice" Jordan said, which made me blush. He is not one to say nice things.

I stopped wearing anything that was above my knees after meeting  Arestair as he would always rage and make me go change. So, Now I'm paranoid. But I guess you can still look pretty in other dresses.

The whole way to my school, they kept on bickering. Jordan didn’t let a single chance to pick on me slip through while Luke defended me. It was funny to be honest.

At school I asked both Connor and Rae about what were they soo 'busy' with that they didn’t come to my house. Both of them gave me weird answers and avoided my questions.

Yup, not suspicious at all. They’re definitely hiding something.

Other that that the whole day went pretty smoothly. I saw Luke and Jordan standing by the entrance as always. That made me smile. I never thought one day seeing those scary guys would make me happy.

Connor wanted to come along with me, but Jordan gave him a very non welcoming glance which made him change his decision. He said bye and walked the other direction but not before calling Jordan a 'jerk'.

After making sure we were far enough and my school wasn’t in sight anymore, Luke started pushing me and urging me to walk faster.

" Yeah, you better just draw him and get it over with. This fucker has been bugging me the whole time about how lucky I was and how envious he was that I got to get a portrait of myself. And he's been too excited about today, my head hurts."

I looked at Jordan and saw that he was shaking his head.

" Bro, you got yours, of course you're not complaining. Didn’t you see how good she draws! Heck, she even made your stupid, shit ass grumpy face look like a fucking handsome prince" Luke said to Luke.

And then turned to me " you better not draw me any less handsome than his . Or else I'll make you redo it" he said pointing a finger at. Welp, this made me wanna mess up his picture more.

" See. Just get this over with and make him shut up. My head seriously hurts " Jordan was pinching his forehead.

" yeah, I'll do it" I said smiling.

After having some snacks with both of them, I started making Luke's picture. I did the same thing that I did with Jordan. I mean, I did it with Jordan, why should Luke be an exception.

This time Jordan was the one enjoying Luke's pain as he sat still for hours.

" Now I understand how bad you must have felt yesterday " Luke said while trying to maintain his smile.

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