Part 27

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Arestair had been engrossed in his thoughts of a certain little creature. A little too engrossed to focus on any of his work.

He had been like that since he came back from the hospital  after her release. How could he not, for the first time his angel talked to him without shaking or crying. Or cowering away from him.

He felt like things between them had improved. Heck, he even saw her blush after checking him out once. And he could not be happier.

His heart filled with pride every time  at the thought that he was the reason behind her blush. And on top of that, Alyssa was finally gonna be 18.

All these months of waiting was finally gonna come to an end. He was not a man of patience. And this was Probably the longest he had been patient.

He was just itching to bring his angel home and never let her go. Only god knows how much it was hurting him just to be not being able to see her every single day.

Thus, he ended up barely finishing his paper works.

Now the question comes. Do Mafias really need to do paper works?

Well of course they do. They don't just own men and guns. They also own multiple huge companies. They need something to cover up their deeds.

And when you don’t rely on illegal sources for money, you kind of end up with loads of more legal businesses and companies compared to the other mafias.

Arestair was an example of that.

He did not do illegal business, thus he had too many companies to take care of. And thus, he only wanted to skip the work. It was too much on his plate.

And thus, he made Sky suffer instead.

Sky has been nagging at him nonstop for days. Not that it worked though. The poor guy thought all his hair would fall out at that rate.

Arestair  didn't attend his Alyssa's Birthday. More like, he couldn’t .

He had  meetings with... people that day. People who run and own gangs like himself.

People with way darker souls than his own. They were not to be taken lightly.

The meetings were called in order to form pacts. He knew these men and women could not be trusted. Any sign of weakness could make them think they can trample over him.

Not like that would be a problem, he could easily show them their place if anything were to go wrong. But that would be a pain in the ass.

Plus, pacts can be quite benefitting if used wisely. It would help secure his place as the top and the strongest. It would also make others fear him, making them think twice before opposing him.

Unnecessary fights are best to be avoided, as they are a waste of time, energy and life source. He needed to show dominance in the meeting.

And that, he did. The meetings were successful, the pacts had been formed. 

But he highly regretted not going to meet his Alyssa. He did send gifts for her, but he wanted to see her Himself. His eyes craved to see her.

I should've just canceled all of it and went to meet her. Why did it have to be today,  he thought to himself.

The days went by like blur until finally the day came. The day when he finally could have her all to Himself. He was gonna make her his.

He was proud of Himself for giving her an extra week to prepare. Although he was aching to just pick her up and bind her to himself immediately.

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