Chapter 8: "I Did No Such Thing"

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The next morning all the staff could talk about was the blood trail leading up to the third floor. It had been left by something very much dead, and per wolf tradition, such a present was presented to one's future mate. The cleaners grumbled as they scrubbed the rugs and the guards gossiped under their breaths. The palace was in a frenzy the whole day.

The Alpha looked at Connor suspiciously when he arrived for lunch. "Do you know anything about this, son?"

Connor yawned. "Know about what, father?"

He had noticed that Miles was missing, that only Nancy and Jamie were in the dining hall, keeping his father company.

"Someone dragged quite a large game into the palace."

Connor frowned. "And what can I do about that?"

"I thought maybe it was you, seeing as the recipient was Nancy."

Connor looked at his father, then at Nancy and Jamie. His mate was staring at his food, ignoring Connor's silent plea to look at him. Nancy was blushing. What the what happened?

"I... don't understand."

"Clearly your wolf acknowledged Nancy as your future mate," the Alpha stated proudly, making Connor even more confused.

"That's just not true," Connor said, but Jamie interrupted him.

"When my sister came back to her room, the doe was there, and clearly, a very large wolf had brought it. We just assumed it was the Alpha's son."

Connor growled. "I did no such thing."

The Alpha threw his fork on his plate, making a ringing sound that reverberated throughout the hall. "Seriously, Connor, if it wasn't you, then who did it? Some random wolf who fancies Nancy?"

"Maybe," Connor insisted.

Poor Nancy was now blushing and seemed to be rather disappointed by the fact it wasn't Connor's doing, but Connor could not have them think she was his intended. He looked at Jamie accusingly, just knowing he had moved his present to his sister's room, to save them both from having to explain this. Smart as it may be, it was also infuriating.

"Nancy, dear, I apologize for my son," the Alpha said, "he is clearly confused after last night's shift." He glared at Connor, letting him know that he should not say any more.

It was fine with Connor.

Jamie still couldn't look at Connor, probably feeling guilty about the whole thing. Fuck, this was getting to be impossible. When would his mate finally admit that they belonged together? Not hungry and wanting to run, Connor left his food and went out into the forest. He didn't even shift or make excuses, he just ran to burn off all the frustration.

"They say only a huge fucking wolf could have dragged that carcass into the palace and up the stairs. I have to commend the poor chap, and maybe offer a massage? Connor, something wrong with your shoulders?"

Miguel was asking for an ass-kicking.

Connor glared at his guard-slash-friend and said nothing. They were at the Healer's Hut, where Martha Wigby was currently healing a pup from falling down a tree. The pup was fine, but his leg was swollen. She gave him some ointment to apply twice daily. Martha was an elderly woman with white hair and a warm smile. She kept her hair in a long braid that she twisted around on top of her head, making it look like a pretzel.

On his other shoulder, Daniel said, "Perhaps your wolf knows something your human is refusing to admit? Wouldn't be the first time."

"I told you clowns it wasn't me," Connor grumbled.

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