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His steps echoed through the hallways as he made his way across the castle, a pair of lighter steps heard behind his from his right hand as they both practically ran. Never in their minds did they imagine this scenario. Wilbur always thought he would be the one marching through the corridors, the pirates bound hands in his grip as he marched them to their trial. Yet, instead, here he is running to find out that someone else caught the pirate. He had only just returned from a month-long hunt for the pirate so how on Earth did this make sense.

It didn't was the only answer he could think of. Captain Puffy didn't think any different, either.

They ran through the hallways, taking twists and turns to find themselves outside the throne room. No doubt Phil would be in there. So, Wilbur threw the grand doors open, making his entrance oh so grand.

The room around him was unnecessarily large with quartz pillars lining it. A grand red carpet with gold trimmings lined the ground from the entrance to the steps just before the thrones. Ahead of him sat his father, slouched on his throne as two men stood in front of him, talking over each other. Wilbur's arrival into the room had caught their attention and all three of them turned to look at him. As they looked at Wilbur, he recognised the two men to be his younger brothers: Technoblade looking just as confused as Wilbur felt and Tommy looking absolutely furious.

"I'm assuming you've just heard the news?" Technoblade asked, raising an eyebrow at Wilbur and Puffy.

"Unfortunately so. Who caught them?" Wilbur retorted, making his way towards the three men with Puffy quietly following behind.

Technoblade looked back at Phil and Tommy, hoping one of them was to answer the question but saw both of them looking down the ground, refusing to break the news to Wilbur.

"They turned themselves in" Technoblade sighed, crossing his arms.

In response, Wilbur completely froze. A boiling rage began to grow within him as he thought of the unnecessary amount of effort he and his crew had put in just to find this pirate's last whereabouts let alone where they currently were only for them to just...what? Give up? Get bored? Mess up?

"When is their trial to be held?" Puffy asked from behind Wilbur, her arms crossed and her eyebrows furrowed in what was arguably more anger than Wilbur, though, she contained hers.

Phil cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. This just made Wilbur more apprehensive. The fact that no one answered with an actual date or time was enough for Wilbur to tell something was up.

"That is where we deviate from the rules" Phil simply stated, slowly looking up to Wilbur whilst wringing his hands. If tourist was to see this right now, they would think Wilbur was in charge with the way everyone was acting. "We've had the Man-eater in custody for a fair share of hours now and we seem to of gained some information-"

"Don't tell me you're trusting anything that criminal is saying. They're a pirate! Everything they say is just to get out of here again" Wilbur argued, throwing his hands into the air.

"Perhaps, but please, my boy, listen to what I have to say" Phil pleaded. "They claim to know where the treasure is and-"

Phil was quickly silenced by the loud, sardonic laughter of Wilbur who was now pacing up and down the carpeted floor. "They know where the treasure is? Seriously? Have we really stooped so low that we're trusting the words of what could be named as the most dangerous criminal we've had in years?"

"Wilbur, please-" Phil began but was, once again, interrupted by Wilbur.

"No. No, I refuse to believe that they know where this treasure is"

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