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Five sets of boots crunched against the sand, the only other audible noise being the oceans waves gently rolling against the shore. You walked along the shore, two crew members on either side of you, each holding onto your arms whilst Wilbur and Puffy walked ahead of you, seeming to lead the way, though you weren't sure if they even knew where they were heading. 

You were being pulled along with the group, your hands still chained together. In fact, Wilbur had nearly chained your legs together too but you told him you refused to step foot on that land if he even dared try to it. Safe to say he never did. But now you had to be forcefully dragged around with no dignity left. It's good to say you felt humiliated.  

All of a sudden, the people holding you stopped in their tracks causing you to look up and make eye contact with Wilbur who had turned to face you, a confused look on his face.

"Where the hell are we?" he asked, looking around at the strangely colourful buildings around him. It seems you had made it the main entrance of the city.

"Well, its said that hundreds of years ago this was once a glorious city that flourished and lived in complete harmony. But then, one person was denied the harmony they wished and he was beaten and kicked out of the city, but not before warning the people he would be back. And back he came many years later. It was said that in his years away, he had learnt black magic but others just say he set the city on fire. There's no real hard evidence of what happened but people know that whatever he did caused mass destruction. No one survived" you explained, staring at Wilbur as you spoke with no emotion in your face. He stared back at you with wide eyes before you burst out laughing. "I'm only joking. This place is nothing more then a gambling business that attracts tourists with their crap renditions of famous statues"

Wilbur rolled his eyes before turning around and face palming whilst your ego rose when you saw a small smirk on Puffy's face. You forgot just how gullible people are sometimes. After spending so many years on the run from the law, you had learnt not to trust anyone or what they said. You guessed officers of the law didn't need to worry about such a thing.

"Right, where are we going then?" Wilbur questioned, still facing away from you. 

You let out a huff of air. "If you get your goons to let go of me, I'll lead you there"

"No," Puffy interjected, looking at you with wide eyes. "This is unknown land, we can't just let you wonder off"

You audibly groaned before looking Puffy in the eyes. "I won't be wondering off because you will be directly behind me, following me"

You looked between Wilbur and Puffy whilst you waited for them to come to a decision. You awkwardly stood, your face emotionless as you counted the seconds go by. Then, finally, Wilbur looked at Puffy, shrugging his shoulders at her before signalling for the guys to let you go. They stepped away from you immediately as if they were absolutely repulsed by you, but you couldn't care less. At least you could move freely now. 

You dusted off your arms as well as you could with your hands chained together before you ordered the group to follow you as you set off. It was still early morning with the sun still rising so the majority of the shops were closed, excluding all the bars, casinos and strip clubs. Though, all the neon signs still illuminated the alleys, their chemicals creating a hazed world that the drunks of the city must adore. 

You decided to lead the group through a few back alleys, believing that the main street would still have its run of hookers along it. You'd rather not tell people who fight for the law that this was a practically lawless place.  Though, it would be funny since there was nothing they could do. This wasn't their land, meaning their laws couldn't be protected.

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