Chapter 8 : Messing around

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Raven's P.O.V.

Rav : Nothing happened Alex, chill guys, it's normal.

Ivan : seriously ? You suddenly got interrupted in phone call, you suddenly looked nervous and then told us that you will talk to us later and then suddenly you hang up on us ? And all of it you call a normal ? Miss Raven, it can be a normal for others but for you, it's not. Now tell us the truth.

Alex : And if you are not going to tell us, then I promised you Rav, tomorrow you will find both of us there. Actually scratch that, tonight you will found both of us outside of your dorm.

I sighed. I knew this will happen some day.

Rav : Nothing to worry about guys. We are just messing around. Nothing serious guys. And about nervous look, it just I know how you both will react to this, that's why I hanged up call.

Ivan raised his eyebrow while Alex just straight on glared at me. They both just stare at me for a second.

I tried my best to give 'I am telling truth' innocent look.

They sighed and hummed.

Ivan : Ok then, take care. Bye.

I looked at Alex, he averted his gaze from me and said "Bye".

I sighed and hanged call.

I am sorry guys. But I can't tell you this.

Time Skip ( In class )

"Sir, I saw Raven is using her phone"

My eyes widened at him.

"Sir, he is lying, I never used it"

I defend myself.

Here, I am in my Physics class, where suddenly someone's phone ringed. And coincidentally we have same ringtone. One boy stood up and just complain about me but I swear I didn't use it.

"I didn't expect this from you Raven" Sir said disappointed.

"But Sir, I didn't used it" I again told him frustrated.

"It's first time that's why I am letting you go. If you will caught second time, I will show no mercy on you" He said and again turned towards blackboard.

I just kept silent and looked at him in disbelief.

I turned my gaze towards that boy and he looked at me apologetically. His face shows guilt.

Fuck off bitch !

I looked towards Ryder, who has smirking face on.

This bitch-

I glared at him. He mocked at me.

I sighed and ignored him.

Time Skip ( In room )

"Heyy Raven, Do you have shoes ?" Ella asked me.

I nodded, still focusing on my phone.

"Great-" She cuts off by Grace.

"Ella , you can't take shoes from her" She said.

Ella frowned.

"Why ?"

"What why ? How could you ? I mean she only has one pair of shoes and if you will take that, how could she will manage then by wearing slippers ?" Grace told her.

Alice started laughing.

Before I could say anything, Ella cuts me off "Oh Sorry Raven, I am really sorry"

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