Bonus 1 : Bastards

690 47 55

Author's P.O.V.


Drop Dead Silence.

Except some breathings.

There was silence in the whole room except for the sound of breathing of one person. Not normal breath, but a breath filled with panic and fear.

Suddenly his breath hitched when he heard footsteps.

The footsteps which only means death. Two pairs of footsteps screaming power.

A faint familiar voice is heard, but he couldn't comprehend where he heard that voice.

He couldn't see anything because of dark room.

He groaned feeling pain in his body, gaining attention.

Those faint footsteps are now clear.

Because of pain, he couldn't even move his head but flinched violently when he feel cold freezing water on his body.

Those footsteps took a step near that half dead person.

"Brian" One of them chuckled. Dryly.

The said person, Brian tiredly looked up.

But because of dark, he couldn't see their faces.

"Who are you ? Why did you guys keep me here ?" He weakly mumbled, drained out of every pounce of energy.

He heard a chuckle. Again. Sadistic one.

"I can't believe you can't recognise our voices. You know what, I am feeling so offended."

Brian groaned when he suddenly felt his hair pulled back harshly.

"But today your wait is over" Brian shivered due to deep, Harsh and cold voice.

He gulped.

"W-Why did you guys b-bring me here ? What w-wrong had I done to Y-You ? Y-You kept me h-here from m-more than a m-month. P-Ple-ease leave m-me or just kill me"

Brian begged to them with tears streaming down his cheeks.

He again heard a chuckle.

"This is just a beginning little boy" A voice with nothing but full of hate.

"Still, I am feeling offended that you didn't recognise your bestfriend's voice"

Brian's head snapped up forgetting all the pain he was feeling at that moment. He narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you ?" This time it was with full of doubt.

"Lights On"

And the moment, Lights were on, Brian froze. His breath hitched seeing the men infront of him. His eyes expand like a saucers as his jaw hanged open.

"A-Alex ... Ivan ?"

He stuttered out.

Alex smirked while Ivan kept his cold facade.

"Surprise" Alex smirked.

"What the fuck ? Why the hell you guys kept me here ? I swear to God leave me otherwise I will tell my Dad and then-"

"And then what ? Expelled us from college huh ?" Alex chuckled.

Ivan smirked.

Brian glared at the boys, struggling with the rope.

"THIS IS NOT A FUCKING GAME ALEX, LEAVE ME RIGHT NOW. You know what, fear the government. You guys committed a crime by kidnapping me from the police lock-up. The police must be looking for me. And when they come to know that both of you have k-kidnapped me, then you too will not be able to e-escape. Fear the Government" Brian smirked seeing shocked faces of Ivan and Alex.

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