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A young man once found a picture of a teenage girl in the street one day when he was walking to work. Teh girl was extremely beautiful, and she was smiling prettily up at the camera while holding two fingers up in a piece sign. The man soon became obsessed with the girl; he didn't know why, but there was something about her that entranced him.

He started asking everyone in the town and showing the picture to them, but nobody knew who the girl was. The man grew desperate, and even travelled out of the village to ask people from away, with no luck. Not a single person recorgnised the girl.

That evening he returned, distraught, to his home. He went into the kitchen to get a drink, and glanced out of the window. He was shocked to see the girl from the picture standing outside his house, lit by a street lamp in the dark. She was waiting on the other side of the road, smiling and waving at him. He rushed out of the front door immediately, his heart pounding, desperate to finally met her. As he ran out of his front garden and across the road, he was too preoccupied to notice the car speeding towards him, and was hit and killed instantly.

When the police arrived to investigate his death they found a picture of a young girl lying next to him. The girl was beautiful and smiling, and she was holding up three fingers...

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