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Probably most of you know this :) it's creepy so I shared it. Scare reading! Love ya <3
A long time ago there was a man who went hunting to woods. When the night came he found himself somewhere on woods that he doesn't know. He walked, walked but couldn't find the home way. At last he found a small hut. Tired man wanted to have a look could he sleep there so he went in.

The door of the hut was open. When he drew out his head in, he saw there were only a fireplace and a bed in the room. Hunter went to the bed and he decided to sleep here. If hut's owner come back, he could get permission. While he was laying on the bed, she got confused when he saw the portraits that covered the walls. All of the portraits were made as detailed.

Everybody in the portraits were looking ugly and alive. The portraits started to disturb him. He was feeling like all of them were looking at him. One way for his sleeping was turn his back to the portraits so he turned his back to them. He took the blanket over his body and felt asleep.

In the morning, hunter got up with sunshine. When he looked at his around, he saw the windows instead of portraits.

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