16 | mend contradictions

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AVELINA SAT BY the waves of the ocean, letting the water hit her feet. She didn't know how long she was out there but she was aware of the moon that now took the place of the sun, giving morning to those who slept during the day.

She cried more times than she could count, and the fresh smell of the ocean would help calm her. It was like mother nature was hugging her after all the pain she's gone through.

She felt like a contradiction. She was full of hate, but she never felt love in her heart as much as she did at that very moment. There was so much peace surrounding her, but there was a storm brewing deep inside. Avelina was lost but as her hands rubbed her baby bump, she never felt more found.

"Avelina," Adrik called. Her head whipped around to see him. He had put on a shirt, and his ponytail was back in place.

"You did not come to dinner forty-six minutes ago," Adrik said once he stood beside her. She let him help her up, knowing that it was a bit of a struggle to do alone.



She paused. The moment she met his gray eyes, reflecting the light from the moon, every word left her mind. Her eyes took in his plump lips and furrowed brows. She didn't know what compelled her to lift her hand up and palm his check, but it was exactly what she did.

He leaned into her hand just before placing his palm on her cheek.

There were no words shed but every emotion could be felt. All the anger, frustration, loneliness, love, and hate poured out like magic through the palms of their hands.

Adrik wrapped his arms around her lower back and pulled her in for a hug. Her large belly hit his stomach before any other part of her could, but he didn't mind.

She hid her face in the crook of his neck and began to sob. All of her heartbreak seemed to flow out of her with each tear as he soothingly rubbed up and down her back.

"I don't want to do this anymore," she cried.

"I do not understand," Adrik stated.

"I don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to be alone anymore. I... I need you, and I have been telling myself that I don't, but the truth is, I don't feel the same without you. I feel lost and empty. I hate that you left me, but I understand why. I just wish you would have fought harder. You're too smart to not have come up with another way. I wish you would've talked to me, and I wish you would have been there for me. I wish many things, but most of all, I wish to stop feeling this way, Adrik," she explained, tearily.

When she lifted her head, searching for some reaction from Adrik, he planted a kiss on her forehead. She shut her eyes to enjoy the tingly sensation that it left behind. At that moment, color rushed to fill her heart again which had gotten so used to the dullness of black and white. She was currently living in a memory that she knew she would last forever—a beautiful contradiction.

"I will never lose you again," he told her.

She hid her face into the crook of his neck again as a small smile danced on her lips.

At that moment, with Adrik's arms wrapped around her, there were no worries that existed. There were no bad guys, enemies, or obstacles. For the first time in a very long time, she allowed herself to feel safe right at home with the man she loved.

"You should eat. You have not eaten for six hours and twenty-two minutes," Adrik said, grabbing Avelina's hand.

She shook her head back and forth with a smile on her face as he led her back to the house. After he slid the back door open for her, he shut it once they got in. Together, they went straight to the dining room where a big feast was waiting for them.

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