30 | mend suffering

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SHE SCREAMED LOUDER than she ever had before as they threw her down on the bed and held her there to prevent her from fighting. One of the men who held her arms down squeezed her hand so tight with the glass scraping against her palms. She quickly released, dreading every moment of dropping her only weapon. She was then left defenseless.

"Somebody help me!" Camila whimpered as she held onto her side. It couldn't have been a deep cut, but blood was slowly gushing out. Avelina made sure she made some damage by ripping the piece of glass right back out. She knew that puncture wounds were best to be left without removing the object. However, she didn't want best for Camilia. She wanted suffering.

One of the guys ditched her feet and went to help Camilia. With him gone, Avelina thrashed around, trying her best to pry the other guy off of her. She wasn't sure if it was adrenaline or what, but she felt absolutely no pain. There was only one thing on her mind... get the hell out.

Immediately, the guy holding her hands down used handcuffs to cuff her to the bedpost. She screamed as loud as she could as the cool metal slapped against her other wrist. With her hands secure, he walked around the bed and secured her legs with this hands. It didn't stop her from thrashing about, doing her best to get free.

She could see one of the men helping Camilia by taking off his shirt and ripping it in half like it was nothing before tightly wrapping it around her to stop the bleeding. He then easily lifted her up and carried her out of the room. Avelina's fighting intensified. She went from thrashing about like a fish out of water to full on rage as if she were walking out of The Conjuring.

"Fucking stop!" the man shouted.

"Let me go! Please! I just had a baby. I just want to see my baby!" Avelina cried. With her words, tears began to fall from her eyes and for the first time, she could feel every bit of hurt her emotions had put off. She stopped fighting and wept.

She couldn't believe the situation she was in. Never in a million years would she had thought her life would end up the way it had. Her boyfriend, who she ended up having a baby with had a sister who she thought murdered her grandmother, only to find out it was her own damn mother. Her mother not only murdered her grandmother, but her father as well out only because she was cheating. Not to mention, the woman who supported her through it all had passed away and Avelina never even got to tell her goodbye. She had a baby who she couldn't touch or hold, and she only hoped she was safe with Adrik. Her family was broken and the only thing tearing them farther apart was vengeance and selfishness.

Her mother blamed caring for why people ended up dead, but she failed to mention every attribute she obtained. Her mother made them go from a perfect, beautiful family to one left in ruins. It wasn't caring that hurt, it was greed.

"I'm really sorry," the guy muttered.

"Just let me go," Avelina pleaded. "Please!"

"I wish I could, truly," he said it as though he actually meant it. However, it didn't make her feel any better.

Not too soon after, a new guy entered the room. He was a white male with a buzz cut. His beard was shaved down and it was obviously that it had grown out slightly. In his hand was a phone. He pressed it against Avelina's ears, ignoring her tears.

"Avelina," she heard Adrik say into the phone.

"Adrik! Adrik! Where's Marin—" before she could even finish talking, the phone was ripped away from her. He teased her with the sound of the man's voice whom she loved and the only voice that could calm her under such circumstances.

"There... you've spoken to her. You know that she's alive. If you want to keep her alive, meet me on 64th street near the Tiki Bar with the money in your right hand and your left hand completely empty. No one else can be around or we will kill her. Follow the instructions being sent you shortly, and if you fail to do as I say, Avelina will die," the man explained.

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